The Funny Part of Salt Lake Trip....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
A couple of funny things from Salt Lake.....

Myself, Moosie, Idaho Bugler, Oak, and BuzzH all crammed into my daughter's BMW..... I am pretty sure that is more than a 1,000# pounds of HuntTalkers in a car designed for performance and handling not load hauling and ground clearance.

To say it was a bit crowded in the back seat was an understatement. :eek: If Big Fin is smart he will contact the management in Germany of BMW to have HuntTalk and BMW hook up for the "Official Car of HuntTalk".....

Now, for those of you wondering why we had 5 people in a car designed for 4 is a good question....

Seems like Oak found some good parking in the bottom of the Expo center in the garage. He just couldn't find the Exit door at 11:30pm... So, he called us , unable to get his truck out of the garage. :(

The next morning when IDB and I were parking in the Garage, I asked the parking attendant lady what time the garage closes, and she said "Never", it is always open, you just pull your vehicle up to the doors and they open automatically.... :p

So, just to clarify, I asked the lady "So, you would have to be a real idiot to lock your vehicle in here?" and she said "Yes" as Id Bugler busted out laughing.... :D :D

After we got Oak and Buzz dropped off at the Hotel, we headed down to BrowTine's house. Much appreciation to the Mr. and Mrs. Browtine for opening their house after midnight to three weary travelers from the North....

We sat around talking chit, drank their soda, ate all their chocolate cake, and then watched Spider Bull videos until 3 in the morning.... It was the first time that I had met BrowTine and I have to say he and his wife are great people.

The next morning, after BrowTine hauled his boys to school he was sitting in the front room with IDB chatting. IDB said "You know who that is in there don't you?"

And BrowTine said "Yes, it is Gunner".....

And, IDB said "Yeah, and it is also Jose".....

And, BrowTine said "What the Hell is he doing in my house?" :BLEEP: (or something close to that....)
Hey, in my defense, the sign said "Closes at 11:00pm. $20 fee for after hours call back." So I'm thinking, "Why not call the rich guy with the Beemer to come pick us up and save 20 bucks?":D

And I just left my truck in there all the next day. No additional $10 parking fee. Thanks for saving me $30.;)
And BrowTine said "Yes, it is Gunner".....

And, IDB said "Yeah, and it is also Jose".....

And, BrowTine said "What the Hell is he doing in my house?" (or something close to that....)


Glad to hear the Gestapo squad car was up the the task Gunner.
That's a funny story about Oak and the parking garage.

To bad Browtine didn't tase you when he found out your identity.
I was awoken in the morning with Browtine in my face yelling "LAIR"!!! He said, "You didn't tell me who that was. I said "Yes I did, it is Gunner" :D

There were many other funny things. I thought it was even funnier that Oak and Buzz got a Hotel 17 miles from the center. Sure, we went to Browtines house that was 30 mins away but we at least got to sleep for free ;)

Another funny thing was we got $10 off certificates and Browtine was out selling them for $5. Crazy how much money you can make from people. there was a Stack of them right by the door too :p
Funniest things for me were a toss-up between the Mossback women's teddies, the spider bull display, fat guy spending a quarter of a million to kill a sheep in Montana, or meeting Colorado Buck.
Funniest things for me were a toss-up between the Mossback women's teddies, the spider bull display, fat guy spending a quarter of a million to kill a sheep in Montana, or meeting Colorado Buck.

Dinkshooter, I told you that was Colorado Buck.
We were in a bar, he introduces himself as "Colorada".. Guy next to me introduces himself back as "Montana".. Bryan Martin suggested to him to pick up Vidale Sasoon and Paul Mitchell as sponsors..

Hence my costume idea this coming Halloween.
"Where to find the legend." LMAO!

I guess he's been more successful in the hunting biz than me, though. :(
The Famous Dream Catcher entrance gate indicating its authenticity (much like the hood emblems on automobiles, ie. the Rolls Royce etc.) Sub-surface irrigation systems on select area food plots designed in both location and size, world wide video surveillance, pull up 24/7 anywhere and check on your ranch, look at deer feeders, food plots ingress and egress activities as well as the dwellings, the famous 300" and up Bloodline of Dream Catcher deer stocked on each ranch with certificate of origin, DNA profiles and dvd of the actual release, custom SIPS system lodge and facilities erected and overseen by CB and staff, perimeter high fence and water crossings with specific design and specifications required for all Dream Catcher ranches and much, much more.

...a Texas wet dream.:eek:
I remember things a tick differently...

First off, im in bed with the wife and all of a sudden I start hearing yelling and screaming coming from the kitchen. I grab my gun and walk in on three dudes eating my Choc Cake!! WTF!!!!!!!!!

I instantly recognize Moosie and IDB and I ask who the third person is. Moosie tells me, all is well, its just gunner. Im thinking, he is a cool cat, no worries. My wife comes into the kitchen and we all start chatin and carrying on. Moosie reminds me that its my turn to sleep on the couch while he gets my bed... DAMNIT:eek:

Moosie also decides rather then exit my house to break wind, he will just open a closet... HAHAH.. he sticks his ass in the closet and a since of relief and calming came over his face... Thats a site I wish everyone on this board could experience.. NOT

We sit up and chat for a while and I start to go to bed. IDB decided to sleep on the couch. As im walking past him and up the stairs I see this Hawiian ass hangin bare off the couch. Thats no shit either. I will have nightmares forever with that site. Bare ass, and in one hand a bottle of goldbon...Moosie instantly grabs his camera and just barely misses the "shot". At this point, im like "how in THE hell did my day end like this". The entire time Gunner hasn't said crap about anything. Dude is a zombie :)

I get up early and get my kids ready for school. Let me tell you, it was damn hard keeping the kids focused with all the musical farts from each end of the house. This is no lie, Gunner would fart, then moosie, and IDB, repeat, repeat, repeat.. It's was funny as hell.

I get back and start talking to IDB. As he is talking to me, he acts as if im some saint to keep gunner in my house. I said gunner is a good dude from what I know... Then, I get the shock of the century when he proceeds to tell me that is actually "jose"... Well, I know who that douche is and, without thinking, say, WTF is he doing here... hahah Jose ended up being a cool dude and is welcome back anytime.

Now, for the expo. On our way to the expo Moose nutz decides we need to stop at maverick, then a texaco, then a... and a... Good hell, it was 2 hours driving 20 miles. You guys are prolly bored, So I can post the expo stuff later.
Moosie also decides rather then exit my house to break wind, he will just open a closet... HAHAH.. he sticks his ass in the closet and a since of relief and calming came over his face... Thats a site I wish everyone on this board could experience.. NOT

Now, for the expo. On our way to the expo Moose nutz decides we need to stop at maverick, then a texaco, then a... and a... Good hell, it was 2 hours driving 20 miles. You guys are prolly bored, So I can post the expo stuff later.

HAHA.. Both those are funny.. Cuz they are true :D I would have come around the Corner quicker to see yer wifes face after I opened the Closet, let one Rip, then closed it, but I was Laughing pretty hard :D thats Comedy there !!! I actualyl thought it was the Coat closet, sorry about the Pantry :eek:

MAverick was for Some Grub. A mans gotta eat !!! Nothing like a Fresh Moma Jamma or whatever that hotdawg lookin thing was. IDB grabbed one so I thought it was gunna be safe.
Wait...Gunner and Jose are one in the same? Get the fug outta here....

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