PEAX Equipment

The End of "Analysis Paralysis"?

The fact that the proposed changes (which would help avoid litigation) will probably be litigated to death is ironic.

Tester's still at it, and fighting the same small group of people.

"Tester’s legislation has critics on the left. The Flathead-Lolo-Bitterroot Citizen Task Force says collaboratives like the one used to draft the bill limit public involvement and shift control to local groups with inadequate environmental review."
So essentially, this continues the kind of work that Forests in Focus does, which was passed under the 15 farm bill. Not a bad thing in and of itself, but the proof is in how this is administered, and excuse many of us if we have little faith in the band of brigands currently auctioning off our public lands. ;)
Hey Ben. Do you know what the original intent of the Forest in Focus program was?
So what your saying is the system works the way it was intended too?
Hardly. A lot of time and money, both of which are in short supply, are being wasted playing this game. Just think how much good work could be accomplished if we could focus on just doing good work.

I agree 100% with this statement by the RMEF

""RMEF maintains litigation reform is necessary in order to allow agencies tasked with managing our forests the ability to implement active forest management that is so badly needed all across elk country,” added Henning."

Do you agree?
+1 for Trump!

I like this line in the NPR story...............

"But according to the government's own analysis — the last done in 2010 during the Obama administration — fewer than one-fifth of all timber and forest projects are appealed by citizens or environmental groups. "

Instead of relying on 2010 "analysis" maybe they should look into current timber and forest projects under appeal......... in Montana National Forests alone.

The bold is where it left the tracks Paul... ;)
Just giving Obama credit when credit's due, Ken.

Oops, I mean Trump.
With Governor Bullock being flat out rejected by the Democrat Party, maybe the Trump Administration can find a place for a good lawyer well versed in Western forestry issues, when Bullock finishes up his term as Governor?

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