Yeti GOBOX Collection

The dog days of mule deer


New member
Feb 25, 2004
Almost all the deer have dropped their antlers.
No more watching an wondering for a few months.
Mid-July will find me again up in the high country following Deerking around at a distance, hoping for a glimpse of the timberline monster buck. ;)

Its a difficult time of year for a tunnel-visioned mule deer fanatic like myself. I have to find other pursuits for a few months and expand my horizons. Whats up for the spring with the rest of you folks?
It's always fun to go out and massacre ground squirrels, or as people call them around here - whistle pigs. I usually head out a few times each spring and shoot rock chucks too. I know it's not much but it keeps the time moving forward. Turkey season is around the corner as well. There are probably plenty of things to do if you have time enough to do them all.
I will also spend some time shooting ground squirrels and rock chucks in the next few months. I'm more of a fisherman than a hunter so I think this is one of the best times of the year.
Turkey hunting and big brown trout fishing. Do you know how to use a fly rod? I don't either, just thought it might be kind of funny watching a 7 footer try to look delicate. We'll be dunking 6 inch minnows...
Shed hunting is getting old real fast especially when you bring more ticks home than sheds.
Still I will try a time or two more before the velvet starts.
Walleye fishing will really pick up in another couple months. YUMMMM WALLEYE!!!

Other than that getting in better shape and taking my toys out to the range usually keeps me entertained.
Lil fishin. Get a good start on a thousand or so prairie rats, over the course of the warm season. That's about it.
Prairie dog shooting will burn up 1,800 rounds of .223 between now and October antelope season.
The beggars breed like crazy and all we're really doing is holding the towns from expanding any further.

Last month, my friend and I nailed 17 coyotes during 4 outings near Wall, South Dakota. Used Dennis Kirk electronic caller, 12 gauge shotgun loaded with #4 buckshot, and .223 Savage rifle.
I've been out thinning the gopher population around home. Spring bear will start up 15 April as well as the turkey season. Need to spend some time at the bench tuning some loads for the 280 and doing some trout and salmon fishing. Never bored in this part of the country.
My focus is gridding sagebrush in 20 yard passes.
I'm starting to see sage in my sleep. The thought of finding a set off a buck the size of one I would like to kill keeps me going back.
Good exercise too. 6-8 hours of sage hill walking makes me pooped.
This year to fill my down time, I went out & got a vasectomy, wasn't that much fun however.
The shed season is just starting round here. Many of my honey holes still have too much snow. The anxiety of knowing some of those big buggers are starting to be chewed on is killing me. I normally shed hunt until beggining of May and then the brush is leafed out and it is too difficult to find the muley sheds. That's when moose shed season begins for me. That normally takes me through till June. And of course I'll be out whackin and stackin the bears in late April through to mid June. By mid June I'm getting really anxious for the snow to melt in the high country. Always head out scouting way too soon. LOL! First few weeks of July is normally when she starts opening up and I'm high country bound through the summer in the endless pursuit of Velvet.
I will Pairie Dog hunt in June & July a couple of times. I want to camp & fish more this summer. I bought a new truck in November so I want to put it to good use. Now the only problem is travel trailers are starting to calling my name. Good Luck, JLG.
May is really bad for NO-SEE-UMS. The skeets don't really get too bad until June. June is REALLY REALY BAD. July is PRETTY BAD for Skeets but the BLACK FLIES are worse. August is Pretty bad for BLACK FLIES but really bad for DEER FLIES. LOL! We wear BUG DOPE as Cologne. 99% Deet or nothing else. I go through about 3 watches per summer cause the stuff eats the watchbands but I hear it won't cause Cancer. LMAO!
turkey season opened the 15th. ill spend the rest of this week in south carolina looking for a gobbler or 2. then i will spend some time fine tunig rifles and getting ready for an antelope/ groundhog excursion i have planned for november.
1. A little spring turkey hunting with my 22-250 (its legal where we live at in Texas). Great target practice.

2. A little bass fishing in Texas.

3. A trout fishing/scouting trip to northwest Colorado at the end of July.

4. A whole lot of planning for next October.
Found another shed from a 180"+ buck today along with his matching side laying next to each other. Unfortunately one side is busted and the pair is at least 3 years old. Starting to get chalky.
Now that I am 100%Deet the ticks are leaving me alone. LOL
No allergic reactions so far.
You should see the reaction I have when I find ticks. Way worse....Kind of like a mix between an epoleptic fit and a guy checking himself out in a mirror.LOL- Not pretty.

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