Thanks, Tales, and a cautionary thought from a (ex) MFWP Grunt

Thanks for the replies, but I'm out of the game.

All across MT there are MFWP people getting things done out there as I'm typing this from my cushy man cave - maybe thank one of them when you encounter 'em:
An administrative staffer is patiently answering 1/1000 public questions at a busy regional office desk.
A fishing access site caretaker is cleaning a toilet after a weekend of heavy use - a really shitty job. Humor- but in all seriousness, can you spell Hepatitus? They barely get paid over minimum wage.....
A Block management Coordinator is frantically assembling materials for the "get out the BMA Guide" deadline.
A fish culturist at a state hatchery is tending to Arctic Grayling young-of-the-year.
A Game Warden is investigating any one of the myriad cases on his/her plate.
Just to name a very few........

And decision makers are/aren't making decisions, help them by being a part of the process. Thank 'em when it applies, read 'em the riot act when the situation warrants.....

I'll keep doing what I've always done. I get to hunt with my 12 year old wire faced girl and spend the rest of her life with her. I get to hunt elk on Wildlife Management Areas - dumb enough to shoot a cow at 8200' up in the rocks if I so choose. I get to fish with old great friends, some of whose past work assured we are able to fish like we can today. And I get to keep showing up for the shit I care about. Maybe see some of you around.........


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I didn't know you were a FWP employee. Thanks for doing a job that is more than needed and not going to make a person a big wage.
After reading about your career we may have crossed paths back in the early 90's. Pretty sure that I was one of the only Business/Econ majors that ever signed up for Dave Pac's winter Mule deer mortality surveys in the Bridgers.