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Thanks Max!


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
For standing up to Obama. Caught a little of morning Joe this AM to see what the dark side is up to :D. Looked like a morgue there. Couldn't agree with Max anymore on his comment that we need to enforce existing gun laws, not create new ones.
I'm glad Max voted the way he did too.

Amazing when you regain some common sense? Think it has anything to do to the fact that he's up for re-election and he's got a pretty sore backside already from his development of ObamaCare?

He's fighting for his political future - period.
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Max's only competition may come from the former Governor...if Brian decided to run for Senate.
Isn't Champ Edmunds the sportscaster from Anchorman?

Did you hear Max rough up Sebelius last week with his "train wreck" comment. Good stuff! He's starting to wise up in his old age.

The folks on MSNBC were still worked up about the 4 traitors who messed up Obama's failed gun control effort this morning. Pictures were posted of the four like they were on the FBI's most wanted list. Some serious nut jobs on that channel.
The folks on MSNBC were still worked up about the 4 traitors who messed up Obama's failed gun control effort this morning. Pictures were posted of the four like they were on the FBI's most wanted list. Some serious nut jobs on that channel.

And yesterday, some group calling themselves the "Responsible Gun Owners of ????" took out a a full page ad in the Bozeman Chronicle, hammering Max for his votes. They all listed their name and home town with their title, "Gun owner."

I see the Bloomberg media machine is going after Max in a big way. News for Mayor Bloomberg - If Max wants to get re-elected, he needs to listen to Montanans, not folks in NYC. As such, he should be voting with what Montanans want, not what Bloomberg and the gang wants.

I expect Bloomberg and his boys to turn up some serious heat on Baucus in the next year. If any of you are inclined to do so, I suspect an email or letter thanking Max would be much appreciated, given the hammering is getting from the East Coast media.
If Max wants to get re-elected, he needs to listen to Montanans, not folks in NYC. As such, he should be voting with what Montanans want, not what Bloomberg and the gang wants.

That makes sense, but ff Max has aspirations for anything outside of MT he may be out of luck now.
From what I hear Baucus and Reid's votes were keep the bill tabled, so it can be brought back to life in wake of the next tragedy....and Max is playing his no vote for re-election.
From what I hear Baucus and Reid's votes were keep the bill tabled, so it can be brought back to life in wake of the next tragedy....and Max is playing his no vote for re-election.

I would hope every vote is intentional.
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