Texas hog shooting


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I leave in a week to go down and do a little pest control in the state of Texas. How many other people have gone and shot some bacon on the hoof? I don't call it a hunt but it sure is fun. That and they sure eat good. We are after them with a bow. I have done it a couple of times and have never been disappointed.
never gone to texas after them, or targeted them, but as a freezer filler of opportunity, they were sure nice to have hoofing it by us when I lived in Ok. They make some fine sausage, and bbq.
gone twice. Great time. 4 days hunting. 5 pigs. they are great eating if not real giant sized.
I've killed and eatin quite a few. They are a lot of fun to hunt! Be careful taking them with a bow and arrow rig. Larger Boars have shoulder plates that can be quite tough. Slightly quartering away is the best shot on the larger critters. You'll also be surprised when you see the meat yield. They are mostly Hide and Head. Good luck and have fun!
I will be trying to get my friend from Wyoming on some piggies this weekend. He's only going to be able to hunt one evening so it won't be a slam dunk, but we will have some LED lights up at one of the feeders so hopefully we will be able to wait them out. His 18 year old daughter is hoping to connect on her first pig ever so I'm hoping we can pull it off.
Texas feral hogs....

I have hunted them the past four yrs. Lots of fun and great to eat. I shot 3 this past Feb. We fed over 50+ people in the RV park here in NM. Have had many meals from them thus far and will bring back pulled pork to MT to be eaten later. Have a great hunt! MTG
It's a bit different hunting them here - no feeders. The most productive manner is to ambush them on their way back to bedding areas from the agricultural fields in the early morning on or adjacent to private land. Public land hunting is tough as the pigs are scarce, the country usually rough and heavy cover. They are pretty smart, and without feeders can be tough to hunt. They are breeding like crazy, so maybe they'll spread out to more public land.
I was able to get my friends from Wyoming on a few piggies over the weekend. We ended up with 2 in the cooler, but I think they hit at least a couple more that we didn't recover.

Pig anatomy is different from a deer, a shot right behind the front shoulder is going to end up in the guts on a pig 9 times out of 10.

Put a couple raccoons down as well so the quail may have a little better chance to recover this spring if we ever get any rain.