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Tell me about your obscure cartridge

How hard is the .340 wby to find?
Too hard IMO. Weatherby does not spend much time on this cartridge any more as it seems that .338 RPM is all they care about. Hard to find any brass that is reasonably priced. I haven’t tried necking up .300 wby but may need to at some point.
Too hard IMO. Weatherby does not spend much time on this cartridge any more as it seems that .338 RPM is all they care about. Hard to find any brass that is reasonably priced. I haven’t tried necking up .300 wby but may need to at some point.
You could neck down 378 WBY & get a new reamer.
And bolt face. ;)

I had thought of necking down 378 WBY to 7mm.

Also the Lazzeroni 7.21 Tomahawk and 7.21 Firebird.
7mm Dakota might be cool also.
Same bolt face as most of the magnums. 0.532".

Try finding some 257 Kimber.

250-3000 Savage
257 Roberts AI
7mm WBY Mag

Heck, even my 257 WBY Mag is more mainstream than the 7mm WBY.
I’ve got 3 guns chambered in calibers on your list… 25 wssm 280 Rem(I’ve got 2 of these in 700 actions) and a 7mm weatherby!
I believe the numbers that Sherman posts about- but I don't have any first hand experience, hence the "Allegedly" bit, and the reason for this thread. Among all the Hunttalkers, there's a wealth of experience and knowledge with various cartridges, all of which I find interesting.

What kind of rifle was your 300 Sherman chambered in?

I don’t doubt that people get crazy velocity with a lot of the Sherman cartridges. Where I think the funny business exists is when people pretend those velocities aren’t created by very high pressures. “Efficiency” doesn’t do that. Tough cases, with little taper, and 40 degree shoulders does.
6.5x257AI on a long action with a long throat. 1-2gr H20 less capacity than a 6.5-284Norma. In a 30” barrel I’m getting 3300+ fps with 130’s, 3150-3200fps with 140’s and 2975fps with 156’s. All with RL-23, none loaded up to pressure signs. Might be able to wring a little more out of it with N560 or RL-26. It’s been a deer killin’ SOB. I had thought it would be 3-4gr less capacity than the 6.5-284Norma and thus come with substantially more barrel life. With around 800 rounds it’s still incredibly accurate, but being so close to a 6.5-284 in capacity, I’m not sure it will last much longer. If it falls off at 1200 rounds like a 6.5-284 does, then I think a 6.5-284Norma would be much more justified given the ease of acquiring brass and dies. I wanted to be just a hair bigger than a 6.5x55.
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I don’t doubt that people get crazy velocity with a lot of the Sherman cartridges. Where I think the funny business exists is when people pretend those velocities aren’t created by very high pressures. “Efficiency” doesn’t do that. Tough cases, with little taper, and 40 degree shoulders does.
Lots of folks flirting with high pressure in "tough" brass it seems. mtmuley
My aunt gave me the 32-20 that my dad shot his first buck with. Shortly after I got it, I lucked into an old box of Remington 100 gr soft points on the shelf at a local gunshop (the last box of jacketed 32-20s I have seen). The cartridge was much smaller than I had imagined it would be. That fall, I shot a buck within a couple hundred yards of where my dad shot his.
338-284 is my current crush. Fills that void between 338 federal and 338-06. The answer to a question that apparently no-one asked, given the “success” of the 338 federal, and especially the 338 RCM. Case capacity is pretty much identical to the RCM, and I’m finding load data for the RCM lines up really well with what I’m seeing. Will make a great moderate recoil Alaska rifle, and quick handling at 20”.
338-284 is my current crush. Fills that void between 338 federal and 338-06. The answer to a question that apparently no-one asked, given the “success” of the 338 federal, and especially the 338 RCM. Case capacity is pretty much identical to the RCM, and I’m finding load data for the RCM lines up really well with what I’m seeing. Will make a great moderate recoil Alaska rifle, and quick handling at 20”.
Now there is a cartridge family that fell off of the face of the earth!!
It's like Ruger never made the cartridge at all!!
If you ask now, Hornady made it for their PRC line.
Here are a few. Missing a couple as well, but these are all in the basement as of right now, and all of them have been blooded, as they say. All are powered by the Holy Black.

Rifle cartridges.jpg

. 54 round ball
.45-100 (more correctly, .45 2.6" Sharps Straight)
.45-70 with prolate bullet
.45-70 with flatnose