Teddy Coming Down

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While I can appreciate the art involved in statue's the whole idea of statues, in particular those "honoring" a person are about as ridiculous as it gets.

There isn't a single person that learns jack chit about history from looking at a statue. You learn history, by studying history, by understanding history. A statue doesn't tell the story or explain history one bit.

IMO, mount Rushmore is an eyesore, I'd rather it was in its natural state, the wildlife probably would as well. Never have seen it in person, probably never will, and don't care if I don't.

Monuments are a bit different, IMO, because they usually have some interpretive stuff to accompany them...a story to tell, you know actually history rather than glorifying a person. If I were to never see another statue of a person again, I wouldn't be out anything.
You’ve never seen Rushmore, yet it’s an eyesore. Hmm.
Agree in a lot of ways. Statues and cemetery tombstones are from a different time. Doesn’t mean it all needs to be destroyed. Rome is like walking through a history book. Should it’s statues and coliseum be destroyed?

I'm not sure how I feel about some of these name changes, statue removals, etc. Lots to unpack, I haven't spent enough time thinking a lot of them to form a cogent pro or against opinion.

That being said;
What flag does Russia use? Do you see the hammer and sickle on buildings? What was the name of Saint Petersburg when you were a kid?
South African flag?
What happened to Rhodesia?
What were the names of half of African counties/cities and SE Asian counties/cities 60 years ago.
What happened to the statues and markers of colonialism in tons of other places including European cities

How many of these colonial and civil war statues are actually from that era. Why were most constructed 30-60s? Most of these statues weren't from a different time, ie it's no like there are a bunch of statues of Lee from 1880, they are statues of Lee erected in 1955 as a direct reaction to the burgeoning civil rights movement.

America has in many ways tried to kick the can down the road/sweep under the rug it's racism. I'm not shocked at all by the current backlash, of course it's going to come all at once that's how it always happens.
As long as the Springfield 30-06 and Winchester 405 that he used in Africa remain in the Smithsonian I am going to reserve the small amount of energy I have left to protest "aging"

However on a serious note, when they ask me if I think the Auschwitz camp in Poland should be torn down, I always say No. And as mentioned before I have some direct linage to those who were there. But I dont know one person today who worked there, but of course there are others who are direct descendants of some of the men who did work at that camp. I would have no problem breaking bread with them. That was yesterday and this is today. They have no control over who their ancestors were, nor do I. "WE" can control who we are today, but can not change what others did 100, 200, 300 years ago, whether we were related to them or not.

History is just that, History. What can you do today that is constructive to/for yourself, your family, society. Taking down that statue will not help your family eat better, or help your neighbor's children get a better education, or your friends parents have better health care.

Taking down that statue will not improve something that most family's need today. ( Health care, Employment, Education ) or provide you with

MORE TIME to hunt and fish. you fellows who are posting on this thread do realize that fishing season is open, dove season is open, turkey season is open, bear season is open in Alaska and Idaho ( maybe other states as well ), hogs are plentiful in Texas

However as stated many times my opinion and a nickel will buy you absolutely nothing. I could probably change that to a quarter and still be correct

SFC B--With any luck I will be there soon.
Noharleyyet. Thank you
Music tape contributors -Thank you!
Hunting Wife. Sea Breeze --aaaagggghhhh (-;

you always make me THINK and SMILE :love:

And speaking of bears and fishing. If time permits for you check out the pictures Salmonchaser took. He did make it to Alaska and is guiding a few clients. Great fishing he said, few people, but a lot of bears.

I like the monuments in Wash D.C. and other places. After visiting the Pearl Harbor monument I saw a few people who were asking people to sign a petition. They wanted the monument removed because it was offensive to people with Japanese heritage.

BEN LAMB / BIGHORNRAM, post 87, :)
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Wllm, not many confederate statues right after the war because there was no money for them. Agree, anything after about 1910 was flipping the bird. But the confederate statues have been down. We’re long past that. We’re looking at taking down one of the most popular Presidents of all time, among others. Does Grant need to come down?
When you look at history, you have to look at the good and the bad. TR did a lot of great things for wildlife and conservation, but we shouldn't worship him. He was a white supremacist, plain and simple. Even for his day, his opinions on race and colonialism were behind the times. (Which is why Mark Twain hated him so much). Yes, he nearly started riots across the south when he had GW Carver for dinner in the White House, but he also disagreed with the 15th Amendment that gave black people the right to vote. History isn't black and white. He's a conservation hero, for sure, but I can understand why a lot of people see his legacy very differently.
Custer was a piece of work by all accounts. We need to rename the Custer National Forest. Imagine a whole new crop of newbies asking how the deer hunting is on the Greta Thunberg National Forest? :)

Gawd! Don’t give them any ideas.
I've seen Mt. Rushmore in person, and I definitely think it counts as an eyesore.

I have heard people say West Texas looks like an eyesore, but I can not wait to move back. I didn't dislike Mt Rushmore. I thought it was privately owned, but have not taken the time to research it.
Lewis and Clark is the big Missoulian "woke" rant at the moment. The Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea monument was just torn down at the University of Portland... Torn down elsewhere.

Statues, Monuments, etc... young and old view a statue / monument and seek to understand the stories that shaped America. How was this person involved in shaping America? They are aspects of American history that created the greatest country in the world.

Edit added: I've seen Rushmore. It's impressive for the feats to create. It gives people pause and reflection of our history.
I'd rather they put them in museums with a plaque giving some historical context versus tear them down in a fit of rage. Just my opinion.

Not sure if anyone's mentioned it in this thread but it blows my mind you can still go see Lenin's ACTUAL BODY on display.
I'd rather they put them in museums with a plaque giving some historical context versus tear them down in a fit of rage. Just my opinion.

Not sure if anyone's mentioned it in this thread but it blows my mind you can still go see Lenin's ACTUAL BODY on display.
Ho Chi Minh as well
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