Teddy Coming Down

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Not in my country, but the reason I am commenting is I found out earlier today that the company who have been selling "Eskimo Pie" -Ice Cream bars are going to change the name.

In my humble opinion the world or at least some in it, are over reacting.

If I dont see the need for changing the name of an ice cream bar then I certainly dont understand the removal of the Teddy Roosevelt Statue.

However, I also dont understand changing the name of sports teams. The name " Washington Redskins " does not offend me. Does the Dallas "Cowboys" offend anyone here who owns a horse or cow ranch ?
The Indians don’t seem to care. In fact I have a Native American customer who has a Washington Redskins floor mat in his pickup truck. 😂
The Indians don’t seem to care. In fact I have a Native American customer who has a Washington Redskins floor mat in his pickup truck. 😂
I am a First Nation individual here in Canada, and names of team mascots never bothered me, or anyone else I know. I may not have this right, but from memory they discontinued selling the foam tomahawks and doing the tomahawk chop at games. I would like to know if an Indian actually complained about that or was it just another political correct knee jerk ? Since it happened in the U.S., I may not even have my facts straight, but to was something like what I stated
I am a First Nation individual here in Canada, and names of team mascots never bothered me, or anyone else I know. I may not have this right, but from memory they discontinued selling the foam tomahawks and doing the tomahawk chop at games. I would like to know if an Indian actually complained about that or was it just another political correct knee jerk ? Since it happened in the U.S., I may not even have my facts straight, but to was something like what I stated
As of summer 2019 we were still doing the chop and they were still selling the tomahawks at Braves games when my wife and I went. They did however get rid of their mascot Chief Noc-A-Homa in favor of some stupid looking thing called Blooper. It’s safe to say no one has been offended by a mascot so far this year at a baseball game.
I agree we’ve gone too far in the outrage. No one is perfect. This country was built upon great actions by a series of flawed men to get to the place we are today - a place that, though far from perfect, is vastly better than it used to be in so many ways. I don’t understand the desire to wipe those men from history. It’s not like they are any different in that regard from the people making history today. They are still valuable examples to this country. Acknowledge their mistakes if you must, but we shouldn’t be redefining people by them.
I agree we’ve gone too far in the outrage. No one is perfect. This country was built upon great actions by a series of flawed men to get to the place we are today - a place that, though far from perfect, is vastly better than it used to be in so many ways. I don’t understand the desire to wipe those men from history. It’s not like they are any different in that regard from the people making history today. They are still valuable examples to this country. Acknowledge their mistakes if you must, but we shouldn’t be redefining people by them.

People are risking life and limb to step into overloaded crappy boats to sail to our shores, walking through a desert where bad people prey upon them as the heat bears down from above and overstaying visas in order to come to our country. No one is sneaking into North Korea, Nicaragua or Cuba the last time I checked. We were built by flawed people and probably our non-European predecessors were flawed as well that were in America as Columbus sailed near our shored. We wrote our history down though and the warts may have been left out as written but what was a social norm was written down and now we are seeing modern standards used to invalidate those that were instrumental to America becoming a place people are risking life and limb to reach. Sadly, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will fall into this revisionism purge soon enough. You can't smack around women and plagiarize your school work and be righteous for good reasons though I thought the point of the stature was to say this person achieved great things rather than was pure as the unproven freshly fallen now. President Clinton was a womanizer and likely did worse than that but it may be his use of disposable plastic bottles and internal combustion engines that topples his Presidential library. This movement that is seeking to destroy monuments to our past had damn well better improve the lives of those suffering for all the chaos that is being created. So far, I am not hearing what they are going to do to lead America to a be place. Is just destroy, destroy, destroy for now. You have to build up something soon. Otherwise, is a case of Monday morning quarterbacking. Easy to say what was done wrong. What do we do now as the next game is here?
People are risking life and limb to step into overloaded crappy boats to sail to our shores, walking through a desert where bad people prey upon them as the heat bears down from above and overstaying visas in order to come to our country. No one is sneaking into North Korea, Nicaragua or Cuba the last time I checked. We were built by flawed people and probably our non-European predecessors were flawed as well that were in America as Columbus sailed near our shored. We wrote our history down though and the warts may have been left out as written but what was a social norm was written down and now we are seeing modern standards used to invalidate those that were instrumental to America becoming a place people are risking life and limb to reach. Sadly, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will fall into this revisionism purge soon enough. You can't smack around women and plagiarize your school work and be righteous for good reasons though I thought the point of the stature was to say this person achieved great things rather than was pure as the unproven freshly fallen now. President Clinton was a womanizer and likely did worse than that but it may be his use of disposable plastic bottles and internal combustion engines that topples his Presidential library. This movement that is seeking to destroy monuments to our past had damn well better improve the lives of those suffering for all the chaos that is being created. So far, I am not hearing what they are going to do to lead America to a be place. Is just destroy, destroy, destroy for now. You have to build up something soon. Otherwise, is a case of Monday morning quarterbacking. Easy to say what was done wrong. What do we do now as the next game is here?

Great post, you can’t judge someone for doing something that was the socially Accepted norm at the time. Unfortunately there’s a lack of common sense today and a good portion of people simply just want to look for a reason to get attention and bring attention to their own pathetic lives..

Last time I checked this is the greatest country in the world where you have more freedom to improve yourself and get yourself out of bad situations...

I guess it isn’t taught anymore just how F’ed Up a lot of the rest of the world is... humans aren’t perfect never have and never will There’s not one person on this planet that doesn’t have skeletons in their past, present, or future.. but to think we are making things better by trying to erase people for something that was the social norm in their society at that time is idiotic to say the least
It’s like a contest who can be the most offended - those who are offended by the statue vs those that are offended by those that are offended by the statue. FFS, people have too much free time on their hands.
Oh, the irony... 😂
I don't understand, is that butter flavoured syrup?
Apparently some people think it’s offensive to have an African American woman’s picture on the syrup bottle so it’s being removed from the label. The butter rich one just happened to be the only one left.
I heard on the radio "Dixie Cups" should be eliminated too. The protestors tore down a John McDonough statue here in New Orleans, and threw it in the Mississippi River because he was a racist. They also renamed most of the schools that bore his name. However, he donated Millions of dollars (which was a lot of money back then) to build schools for the black children all over New Orleans.
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Go ahead and take all the statues down. Replace them with odes to political correctness for all I care. TR will always be my hero. I’ll teach my kids about his legacies, the good and the ugly. America might not be the same great country it is today without the bold and principled actions of this one man.
My wife is a teacher, and last year was told she could no longer bring a certain snack in that she made for years because it was called “plantation crunch” and that was offensive. How is the word plantation offensive? I understand a connection, but perhaps I’m mistaken in thinking that the noun is not offensive. At any rate she stopped making it and bringing it in.

I don’t see this particular statue as offensive, but I can understand the removal of some of them, insofar as being in public areas. A museum perhaps, for those that wish to see, but you can’t erase history, only change your perception of it.

“the picture of a man on a cellphone is offensive To me because it’s gender exclusive and elitist because not everyone can afford a phone”
That is the counter argument from kids arguing over a toy.
I agree that the statues are of men who all had flaws and focusing on the bad and ignoring the good is short sighted. However thr reason is because this country has long history of white males pissing on minorities and women to retain power. Looks like people are sick of it. Can’t blame them.
I’m surprised we had so many statues in the first place.Take them all down. I won’t lose a bit of sleep over any of it. Maybe at some point we can even have a rationale discussion over the topic of US history and worshiping ugly statues.
Many of these statues are works of art. No one is bowing down and worshiping them. Often, a passerby couldn’t even tell you who it is. I want the statues left up in America just like I want the giant Buddha’s to be left alone instead of destroyed by the Taliban. It’s history and art. I’m not a Buddhist, but can certainly appreciate another culture and great art.
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