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Teacher Concealed Carry Law in Idaho

What disappoints me about this is (yet again) we are putting in place systems to REACT to the event if and when it occurs, instead of putting resources in place to try and prevent them in the first place. Feels like we give the "thoughts and prayers" and continue to bury our heads in the sand until it shows up on the nightly news again. I appreciate them doing SOMETHING to address the issue, just not the way I think would be more effective.
What disappoints me about this is (yet again) we are putting in place systems to REACT to the event if and when it occurs, instead of putting resources in place to try and prevent them in the first place. Feels like we give the "thoughts and prayers" and continue to bury our heads in the sand until it shows up on the nightly news again. I appreciate them doing SOMETHING to address the issue, just not the way I think would be more effective.
Careful. You get labeled as Anti 2a around here by suggesting anything in the area of preventing bad guys from getting guns.
Somebody should pay them to teach you how to read words and think critically, but given the lack of intelligence you’ve shown so far, I’m afraid that the lift required to bring you up to even a 6th grade level would bankrupt our entire state.

I’m done with you. Stay in New York.

We happily pay our teachers livable wages commiserate with their education and expertise to teach children. And we happily fund a fully deputized and trained Sheriff officer, in each our of schools through out the day and for events. Thankfully our school board is made up educated professionals that make decisions based on education and safety. Not feel good bullshit to pacify nitwits like yourself.
I get your point, but training someone to run toward gunfire instead of away from it is hard. The article it is more parallel than the "are you anti 2A?" comments. My kids safety is of utmost concern to me, and where a CC'er "rights" being and end are secondary.
Can you compare and contrast the multitude of places that are categorically comparable to schools? Or worse, especially in terms of population per area.
What disappoints me about this is (yet again) we are putting in place systems to REACT to the event if and when it occurs, instead of putting resources in place to try and prevent them in the first place. Feels like we give the "thoughts and prayers" and continue to bury our heads in the sand until it shows up on the nightly news again. I appreciate them doing SOMETHING to address the issue, just not the way I think would be more effective.
Yeah? What can they *do* about it otherwise?
Can you compare and contrast the multitude of places that are categorically comparable to schools? Or worse, especially in terms of population per area.

Yeah? What can they *do* about it otherwise?
I can only really speak to what I feel would work within a school, but I've seen first-hand the positive impact of additional mental health and SEL staff has on students. Tackling students' trauma and genuine (or perceived) mental health issues is something that is and should continue to be happening.
We happily pay our teachers livable wages commiserate with their education and expertise to teach children. And we happily fund a fully deputized and trained Sheriff officer, in each our of schools through out the day and for events. Thankfully our school board is made up educated professionals that make decisions based on education and safety. Not feel good bullshit to pacify nitwits like yourself.
Figured I'd duck in for a quick peeksie.
I like your confidence school boards are made up of educated professionals.🤣
Otherwise you are tracking.
We happily pay our teachers livable wages commiserate with their education and expertise to teach children. And we happily fund a fully deputized and trained Sheriff officer, in each our of schools through out the day and for events. Thankfully our school board is made up educated professionals that make decisions based on education and safety. Not feel good bullshit to pacify nitwits like yourself.
Hilarious - "feel good bullshit" and "livable wage commiserate with their education" in the same comment.

To add context to those lacking vocabulary - My favorite part about your "new york" education. You dont know the difference between "commensurate" and commiserate.
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No idea where you are going with this. Does it just need kids? "categorically comparable" could be interpreted in many ways. If you want a place that has kids, just use the word kids and stop trying to sound intellectually superior. That is @noharleyyet 's job and we are not looking to replace him anytime soon.
I'm not gonna lie, I've read the whole thread. I've changed my mind 8-9 times on the subject. So many good points being put out on the table I've yet to determine my final opinion. Carry on for me please so I can get to that point!
I'm not gonna lie, I've read the whole thread. I've changed my mind 8-9 times on the subject. So many good points being put out on the table I've yet to determine my final opinion. Carry on for me please so I can get to that point!
I "commiserate" those who will your post and not sense the sarcasm.
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No idea where you are going with this. Does it just need kids? "categorically comparable" could be interpreted in many ways. If you want a place that has kids, just use the word kids and stop trying to sound intellectually superior. That is @noharleyyet 's job and we are not looking to replace him anytime soon.
Oh just curious how or why anyone doesnt feel safe in playgrounds, shopping malls, chuckie cheeze, church (sunday school), or any number of places where kids are around/bystanders? Where people are already legally carrying in a majority of states.

The question remains unanswered.
Because you owning a firearm is a constitutional right.

My not trusting you with one is also a constitutional right.

You honestly think I should trust you with a firearm because you have a CC permit? Not happening.

Don't know about you, but I also don't trust anyone else's driving even though they passed a drivers test.

ccarry - Copy.jpg

Driving - Copy.jpg
Oh just curious how or why anyone doesnt feel safe in playgrounds, shopping malls, chuckie cheeze, church (sunday school), or any number of places where kids are around/bystanders? Where people are already legally carrying in a majority of states.

The question remains unanswered.
I didn't say that so I'm not sure why you are asking me the question. We all take risks all the time. Every time we get in a car, go to work, or even just going for a walk. Most risks are higher than ever being shot, but YMMV depending on the people you hang out with. I don't feel more or less safe because I see someone carrying. Even the thought of it making a difference is silly to me. I'm supposed to feel protected by Bubba carrying the glock when I go into Costco to buy a roasted chicken? I do wish Bubba would CC that thing so I don't get the impression he thinks he is John McClane (yes, I judge, and I know it's a flaw). Most of the time if I see the firearm I assume it is an off duty cop. I would guess a lot of people might be pro 2A and not feel the need to carry everywhere they go or make it known to everyone.

Each state does what it wants to do. There are a LOT of places you can't carry a firearm, depending on each state. I said courtroom because you can't carry in a Federal building and a lot of states won't let you in a municipal building. Let's stop pretending every constitutional right should be unregulated. It isn't going to happen.
Oh just curious how or why anyone doesnt feel safe in playgrounds, shopping malls, chuckie cheeze, church (sunday school), or any number of places where kids are around/bystanders? Where people are already legally carrying in a majority of states.

The question remains unanswered.
Clearly you haven’t been in a kids rat casino in a while those places are terrifying
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