Taxidermy-A new view

Excellent video! Outstanding mount! Sweet buck.

I enjoyed every minute of that.
Thank you for posting.
A in e inside look at what good taxidermy involves. While I was waiting on parts of it to buffer I looked over at the two I have on my wall and really realized why I got them done so cheap.
WOW, just a very cool video and a great documentation of how much goes into a great mount. Great buck, great mount and great video. Very much worth the time to watch!
Great video, and great taxi work.

Did you sew the mouth shut before setting it on the form?

I did. Its personal opinion, I know some people don't

Do most taxidermist do their own wood work?

I'm not sure I know the answer to that. I think you would be hard pressed to find a taxi willing to take the time and make that base like I did. I did it because I thought it would look good, and I also enjoy doing the woodwork as thats a whole different skillset than mounting heads. I don't think many taxidermists know how to do wood stuff like that.

But I may be wrong since I'm not in the business. I never talk to/visit other shops, nor do I go to competitions or anything like that. My favorite motto is "Just wing it" when doing mounts. I always have a general idea but the final product never turns out like I initially planned. I wasn't even going to put the wood base on there but had to by default when I realized my branch was too short and the deer would only be about 3' off the ground. So I made the base to raise him up to eye level.
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