Yeti GOBOX Collection

OYOA - Big changes coming


Does the new business plan allow for filming more on National Forest? I know that film permits costs are a huge impact to operational expenses. With the mindset of hunting on public land most of the OYOA you're limiting to BLM or state land and I think that's because of your filming permit. I venture to guess that's affected the success of filling your tag where if you had a permit for the NF in the same hunting zone/unit you might have been able to be on more game animals. The regular hunter has free access to these lands and it'd be nice to be able to capture that on film. I have never understood filming permits and the pricing structure of them.

I hope that with the new format there will be DVD's out so that we can take the show everywhere, even to hunting camp.

We do a lot of filming on National Forest. This last year, we did an AZ elk hunt, NV archery deer, MT mule deer, NM elk and will do MT bison, all on NF lands. The remainder are on BLM or state lands. I would say that we do about half our hunts on NF and the other half primarily on BLM.

BLM charges us a similar fee to the NF. BLM permitting is easier, for whatever reason, I don't understand. Getting a NF permit can flat out be a serious PITA.

Forests in regions outside Region 1 (based in Missoula) are far easier to work with than those in Region 1. A Nevada forest actually allowed us to film iin their wilderness area this year. They stated we were the first show they ever permitted to film in the Ruby/East Humboldt Wilderness areas. The person in charge at that forest is a hunter and liked our proposal. Wish I could get the other Forests to go along with that idea. Still never been able to get a permit for the Maroon Bells Wilderness, The Raggeds, or other wildernesses in Colorado, even though I see a lot of other shows filming in those places. Oh well.

As far as DVDs, the new stuff will also be out on DVD.
Congrats on an exciting new venue, Fin!

My wife's concern is that she is a hunting-season-widow, a legislative-session-widow, and now an OYOA-widow also. I guess we will just have to adjust her schedule.
Good for you Randy. From a financial point of view this will hopefully open new opportunities for you to expand your breadth and depth. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Congratulations Randy, excited for the new format. Your show is so great, that I really have difficulty trying to watch other hunting shows. Because they don't hunt how I hunt, but you do. The Hunt Talk forum, by far is one of the best forums I have come across, a great group of positive, helpful people.
Super stoked about the new format and new show. Congrats on the new venture and cant wait to see it in the spring.
Can't wait to check it out. I'm sure the best hunting show will stay the best. Just wish I had a dvr so I could watch it more often. Guess I need the discs.
If it is driven by you then a most hearty Contrats is in order! I tell ya what, with my appreciation for OYOA, the bar is set high. I do think that deeper story lines and the ability to tell more about the background of a hunt will be a hit. Oftentimes when watching a show i have so many questions. Why did they pick this hunt unit? Why did they pick this valley? How did they know there would be a good place to glass up there? How did they know there wouldnt be a million hunters (of course I just watched an old OYOA where you got surprised on that one!). Why are you sitting in this particular spot on Day 2and where is it relative to spot #1 yesterday? What made you move? Why does Randy have a booger hanging off his nose again? Of course most of those questions are answered for other shows with responses like: "Cuz the feeders are here" or "because the high fence is just out of sight to our left".

Looking forward to it for sure here in MN!
Good luck Randy! Looking forward to more of this type of video.

I'm pretty slow, and probably missed it, but what was the limiting factor with OYOA that moved you to create a new venue.
I want to be clear, I'm not criticizing. I have no idea how to run what you're running.

I was just thinking of the brand you've created with OYOA and how difficult that is to do. Once a company has a strong brand it's pretty tough to take that away from them.

Again Good Luck! I'm sure it will be a huge success.

Looking forward to checking it out.

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