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Taurus 44 input *update*


Active member
Dec 19, 2015
central pa
I'm considering buying a taurus 44 in 44 mag with the 8 inch barrel. Mostly as a hunting handgun maybe a little practice shooting in the back yard. I've never owned a taurus and did search some reviews. Seems as some people are really happy and some really questioned the quality. So I am here to ask of real world experience of anyone here. Would you recommend this gun? Why or why not? Tia
I have the Modell 44 & really like it, my hands aren't super big so the thinner handle really fits me nice. The recoil is what it is, haven't hunted with it but wouldn't be afraid to. I have no issues with Taurus handguns I have a few & would recommend them
I have the Modell 44 & really like it, my hands aren't super big so the thinner handle really fits me nice. The recoil is what it is, haven't hunted with it but wouldn't be afraid to. I have no issues with Taurus handguns I have a few & would recommend them
What is your opinion on durability? Seemed like most negative comments I read towards taurus were snide comments about "falling apart"
I have a Taurus tracker in .454. Had it for many years. Benn on lots of hunts and backpack trips. Shoots great never an issue.
I have a Taurus Tracker in 44 mag. It goes boom, shoots straight. I have no basis for comparison since it is the only 44 mag I have ever shot but Ive no reason for complaint. Bought it - I think - 6 years ago now.
My neighbor has a Taurus 868 (i think). It's the 8" 357 with 8 rounds.
He's had it & shoots it fairly regularly as long as i've known him. (8 years)

My biggest issue with Taurus is the triggers on their semi auto pistols.
Their revolvers don't seem to have those issues.
I have one. Ported. Prob going on 20 yrs with it now. I used it in pistol league to get good with it. Then sent it off to a good gun smith to work the action
so it cocks, (revolves?) like a ruger. It's heavy, I get tired of hauling it on my hip at the end of a 10-14 mile day when elk hunting.
It's reliable. But it is comforting when I am on my way out in the dark thru heavy timber where I genrerally see grizz tracks.
I bot some reloads for it at a gun show quite a while back. the 'loader' overfilled the cases to full capacity. Finally figured it oout
on the 2nd reload but the gun took the punishment. Sent it back to the factory for a look because it wasn't quite cycling as well after
that (with an explanation of the cause). they told the gun shop I sent it thru that they were very pleased it held up in a condition
that it should not have. they said the top strap (over the cylinder) should have gave out but did not.
I would buy it again
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I've put a fair amount of rounds through it & it's worked flawlessly. As I said before I have a few Taurus revolvers & don't have a bad thing to say
To my understanding, the Taurus revolvers are generally well-regarded but the semis (except for the Beretta 92 copies) are spotty.
I have a Raging Bull in .44mag. I love the gun. It's fun to shoot and the barrel is long enough to hunt with out to 50 yards (my limit) I've shot a couple of deer, a coyote, and a couple of hogs and it has done it's job. I would definitely buy another one.
I have a M44 with the 8 inch barrel I bought used 15 or so years ago. It shoots well with cast and jacketed bullets and I have had no problems with it. I carry it every year deer hunting if I have a close shot but have never had an opportunity on one.
Well I got lucky. Found one posted online second hand like new for a good price so I picked it up yesterday. Fired 5 shots through it so far just to test it out but I'm overall very happy with it so far. Fit and finish is nice and recoil is very manageable. Trigger isn't bad either.20230101_152235.jpg
I have a 4" Tracker with the ported barrel in .44mag, stiff but manageable recoil with 300gr Buffalo bore hardcast. I did swap out the Ribber grips with Hogue, much better feel and cushioning.
Had a Tracker on 44 Mag. Didn't like it with +P 44 Mag ammo but it was a pleasant to shoot pu$$y cat with heavy 44 Special ammo.
I've since bought a couple more Taurus revolvers.
I would not recommend Taurus revolvers. Had one in 357 and it locked up after about 200 rounds and needed work. Sold it and bought a Ruger and never looked back. The tighter tolerances and higher quality on the Ruger were obvious to even Stevie Wonder. I have since bought 3 more Ruger revolvers. Higher price yes, but just plain quality guns IME.
My first revolver was a Taurus raging bull in 44 mag. Looked like a great gun, trigger was just ok, and the price was right. Found out while shooting it the cylinder was so misaligned with the barrel that it was spitting lead out the sides from the cylinder gap. I’ve never had another Taurus since that.
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