Caribou Gear

Tampa Florida....

why are you so confused moosie, no one likes you since you are such a snotty rich elitist spike killing hen slaughtering sumbitch. thats why they don't want dinner :D hump :wank:
I have a friend who lives in chrystal river, Tampa bay who is rifle nutta I'm sure he would like a meal with a rich elitist spike killing western bloke, ya wanna his address. ;) :D .
Tampa in April...I gather you have to be there, as no one would choose to be there then. I was there once in May on business - take a shower in the morning and your hair is still wet at lunch.
Smalls, I jsut need Friends man, You know, Ever since that post that Paws doesn't want me Emailing him and that Mars fella didn't think I was Cool I've been in counciling and haven't been able to sleep well............. ;)

Actually we're going down oo hop onto a Little boat and sailing south..... hitting a few Islands for Scub diving, Turisica stuf and some Bumping and grinding along the way. Having kids and timing is everything so Thats when it worked out.

If someone wants to hook up on a Cruise I can Post details of the Ship we're on :D :D Cali, Grab the Wife and come join us bud :)
OOPS :) Can't make it by then

Planning to be there April 15th 10PM and leaving 16th at 5PM for the cruise. So I got the Morning to Mess around

17th At sea
18th Grand Caman
19th river Mmaria or something or other
20th Belize
21st Cozumel
22nd Sea,
23 Back and flying hom from FL.

Gunner46 were are ya going ?
I was there once, there's an alligator park not far from there. You can go feed the alligators. I would drop of fish into the water with one hand, hold the camera in the other hand. Then, when the alligator grabs the fish, I would take a picture. They were so fast, I just got water ripples in each picture.

That would be a morning fun thing, but you'd have to drive to the alligator place, unless somebody lives near there to take you. If the sun is not shining, they give you the paper for free. The sun always shines there.
Give Tnctcb a buzz..He called last night, from Calif., on his way home. I'm sure he'd love to meet up with you agian.
i was gonna see if you wanted to go shoot a pig while you were here. looks like you wont have the time. i tell ya what.................... you bring me some elk steaks and ill drive down and visit with ya.
TIM... Moosie here..I can do that. Just drop me a reminder when we get closer ;)

I'mguessing we wouldn't have time for a piggy, lemme see what my final schedule brings and whenthe flights take off... I'll know all that here in a couple weeks bud.
Hey, tnctcb, is a Florida gator hunt/fish/shoot for a 10 ft gator a good deal at $400?

You get the head, hide, and 10 lbs of meat and its $400 for a 10 ft one.
Moosie, ill give you a call and me and ole dirty blades will try to come see ya !
I better check it out more, TOO good, eh. I've applied for our public hunt here and not got to do it yet. Florida has the record book alligators, as far as I know. Have you hunted/fished/whatever for them?
Tom, guided hunts for residents start at about $200.00 a day, non-resident license is $1100.00 so for a two day hunt excluding license yea, that could be true ! ..............i would check into it though sounds a little too good!

FYI tags for gators got a whole lot easier this year in Florida now its a first come first serve deal vs. a drawing like before! also they have included county wide tags vs having to apply for a specific body of water ! i actually had two tags for the weeks of 9-22-04 thru 10-01-04 for dixie county but hunts were screwed due to our back-to-back hurricanes.
tom anyone knows better than me on gator hunts but i would go for that price. sounds like a fun time
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