Talking about African hunt....

Well guys my cousin and Aunt just got home yesterday from their Safari in Africa.I will post the results of their hunt with Riaan and hopefully get some pictures from them to post.
Shakey.. Scroll back a page in the rifle section at H.A. too..... The one about "MODERN RIFLES beat this " Or something like that
There is some more good reading material !! HAHA !! YAH, sopme peoples kids.. eh ?

Anyway, I'll look more into it. Right now I'm concentrating on getting s few wolves off my back so I can afford to go. I got LOTS of things comnig up and trying like hell to schedule them all and be able to pay for it. It's not the initial few thousand that I wory about.. Then there is a plane ticket, taxidermy and loosing work for a week. I've built up my lifestyle to use 4 weeks a month at work... I just need to adjust afew things :D :D
OK here are the results of my cousin and aunts Safari.
Matt got another Springbok a Warthog,Red Hertebeast and a Fallow Deer.He didnt get the Kudu that he wanted but maybe next trip.
My Aunt Marie got a Blesbok and an Impala.
They are already planning another trip in the next couple years.I will post pictures as soon as they get them developed.
Well I'm not particulary fond of Black Mamba's or Cobras :eek:

It would be hard for me to go to a water hole and get in a blind, not knowing what might be hiding in it getting relief from the 115 degree sun :eek:

I guess you can tell I don't care much for poisonous snakes. :D
Hi Moosie.
I have not been on your site for quite a while, sorry for that.

I am quite sensitive not to "free-bee" advertise on bulletin boards. But since the boss himself is asking the question of "where to hunt", I shall risk a biased answer: Come hunt with me Moosie!
Check out my new "commercial site" on and don't forget to enjoy also my "informative site" on which is already a few years old. That's whre you will see pictures of the African critters and my pwn personal narratives on their behaviour.
Browse these site, you won't regret!

Just joined the board.
I returned from Africa 2 weeks ago for my second trip.
I hada GREAT time. I am a bow hunter so things were not great in the game on the ground department but I had LOTS of game within 50 yards just nothing shootable.(Thats what bowhunting is about)

Here is a link from our vacation

and this one is from last years trip in which I got an Impala and a Guina Fowl sp?

I had some great stalks on game both times and am now trying to figure out how to convince the wife I NEED to go back :D


I hope you do make it to Africa, you will love it there.

But, please remember, once you hunt Africa, you will be saving all your pennies to go again :D

Just to wet your appetite, you might like to have a look at some of the photos from our hunts there.

I hope you and the rest of our friends here enjoy looking them.
Saeed those are great pics and stories ;)

It seems as if you spend a great deal of time hunting in Africa, and are very fortunate.
WERE to start.....

I've talked to a couple of guys... I've heard good things about alot of guys.. I'm guessing that the guys that don't do good get their nads chopped off fairly quick and get out of the biz.

LOchi, I run a "FREE MARKETING" place here, If you got a product, PLUG IT !!! For a paid advatisor or a guy willing to cut me a good deal (HINT HINT) on a hunt I'd sure plug his stuff if It was worth it. I'm always looknig for a good deal !~!~!!

I've gotten a couple of deals going and this year I had a fairly good one for Africa but Timeing with other hunts and MY wife being Pregnant It just didn't work out. NExt year Might be a dif story, I'm having my "PLANNED" mid life crisis at age 30. :D :D

SAEED, I sent you an E-mail bro. I meant all in good taste.
Hope to hear back from you, I E-mailed you my # on there.

Lochi, Yes, been a long time 'MATE, Sites grown a bit since the last time I think. I'm hoping it doesn't get to big, there's too many for me to remember everyone :D

ANYWAYS, This weekend I'll read some of those stories you've guys have posted. I like to read them but between working and Surfing this site Times a comodity.. EH ?

THANX for the Reply's ALL help is appreciated !!! KEEP dumping information so I can Get a group thing going soon !!! 2005 at the latest !!

I visited both of the links you posted - very interesting concept.

Are you open to a GAZILLION questions?


Since you sit around all day, doing nothing :D, what have you found out about putting together a trip to Africa?

Hallo Oscar,

Being in charge of things can really place a burden on a guy can’t it? You are now “burdened” by the responsibility to weigh up all the alternatives, and then decide what is the best option for the 2005 Hunt Talk African Safari. Rest assured that we (the African outfitters) don’t intend to make this easy for you! ;)

I’d suggest that the honorable thing for you to do would be to come and visit all of us on your shortlist during 2003. Traveling to the Dark Continent, and having to put up with a bunch of outfitters waiting on you, and entertaining you until death do us part, while showing you the best the continent has to offer, definitely sounds like a burden. My sympathy for the tuff job you have – but someone will have to do it right?

I’m sure the outfitters on this side of the big pond will be able to synchronize our schedules in such a way that we’ll be able to provide one continues investigative safari for you. Once we’ve all had a chance to spoil you, you may well need to rest until 2005 before you dare it to our fun filled & adventurous shores again!

Be sure to bring your lady on this investigative safari as well. Nothing sells a future safari as convincingly as a girl returning from an African safari.

I have sympathy for your tuff challenge Oscar, but can’t wait to contribute to your “suffering to have fun”.
Thank you Don!
You're spot-on by calling it a "concept".

Unlike most safari operators, I am not offering everything to everyone.
I serve only a narrow niche market, i.e. "the first-time-to-Africa American hunter with limited budget who wants to hunt fine, representative specimens of the affordable species, wants adequate comfort and a very safe holiday". And I choose my clients to fit my style, since guided hunting is my hobby, not my job. I need to enjoy it too.

Years ago my biggest problem in life was how to hunt frequently without shooting myself into a permanent bank overdraft. So, brain-storming with friends got me onto those ideas of "free hunting" which I shared with other hunters on what I call my "informative web site"

Then, when recently I decided to go part-time professional hunting, I applied that same "economising concept" to guided safaris, namely to look at an African safari through the eyes of the potential American client who has that same problem of desperately wanting to hunt in Africa but lacking the funds to go all the way to record book big-five critters. I cut out the bells and whistles and focus on "value for money" (within the law of course). This way I can come in at low price, yet without sacrificing quality. That gave birth to my new "commercial web site" where this concept of "quality econo hunting" is explained.

I am confident that this "concept " has a great future in this new era where clients demand customised and personalised service. And with today's fast and open electronic communication, transparency should further enhance my concept!

Hey Shaky,
I met Lochi last year in Arizona when I was hunting coyotes. He's a top notch hunter and a fun guy to be around. If I was planning an African hunt, He'd be the guy that I'd be talking to.
One free safari for Doug!!! Thanx mate!

Hey Moosie, you call yourself a "hard apple to sell". (Riaan, I need your help here!)
OK, that's fair.

Now, check out this link for my client's feedback on his safari with me.

Then talk directly to him and his wife.
Then give me your wish list and ask me to price it (provided it is within my scope of supply).

Then see if you can resist temptation.

Ps. .... and bear in mind I do only one safari per year, Oscar.

WELL... It's almost a year since I posted this.. And A year closer to 2005

After our Canada thing Maybe I need to start looking into this more ?!?!!
What a coincidence! Just happened to peep in here tonight, and what will I find? That some people just seem to take longer to wise up than the rest of us. I am not mentioning any names, you only have to follow my eyes.

Since we last spoke on this thread, the Rand has strengthened to the tune of 30% to the $US. Pity he left it so late. But we'll forgive, since he is the boss around here.

Now this is how it works Moosie: you list the plains game you have in mind, duration of safari, varmint also? Touring? Game parks? Then ask me to price it.

Then you say : "Hey Lochi, the advertising value for you will be huge if I post nice things about my hunt with you on this board! Get real man, and drop your price mate."

ps have you ever bothered to check out my site

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