Talked me out of it. 300 Rum with lots of extras.

Im not saying dont spend $1000 on a gun. Im just saying maybe dont spend $1000 on THAT gun. Since you already contemplated spending it, that means you're okay with buying a new (to you) gun. What else you want??
Take your money and go buy a new in the box Browning 300prc x bolt. Then you can go kill some elephants. No disrespect to mtmuley but why do you want a 300 rum when a .270 win will kill anything in North America?
The problem with a 270 is I have 2... and it just plain works on everything I have shot it at from the East Coast to the West coast. Liked it so much I built a new one with a 1-8 twist so I can reload from 130gr anything to 170gr accubonds out of and it still be accurate.
I passed on it... after looking a little deeper and doing some math I think the money would be better spent on a new bird gun. I still just pick up the Win mag or my 270, 7mmHT, 90 percent of the time anyway. No reason to buy another safe queen who isnt even that pretty in the first place. If I want to rattle my teeth I can always just load some 3.5s up in the old ultramag and bang away or cast some more heavies for the 45-70.
Former M700 RUM owner. Kicked so hard it cracked the stock. Ammo was ungodly expensive. Never got to practice and get as good with it as I would have liked due to the cost. Pierced holes in elk at 100 yards with no expansion. No thank you, not again.

Switched to a M70 300 WM. Elk seem to be just as dead.

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