Talk me into Coyote hunting

probably doesn’t do much on overall yote numbers but it’s fun anyway.
1st time calling a few years ago. Had a big male coming running from 800 yards and never stopped until I shot him right next to call. Couldn't believe what happened. Last year a female showed up at my call within 2 minutes of calling, I had to wait for her to move or I would have shot my call. Just try it and you will be hooked! Start softly with the calls. PM if you want some assistance.
We have local fur buyers that buy pelts. I sell all sorts of fur, beaver, Coyote, muskrat, bobcat, fisher, and others! There's fur buyers all over across the country
Does this require a fur harvester permit, If you are selling the pelts, or skinning them at all? I imagine I guess it different in every state.
We hunt them fairly hard in PA with thermal. Kill an average of 40-60 a year. Only ever do anything with 2 or 3 of them. They aren’t worth much here and not typically hunting them for the fur. It has for sure opened up some new properties thru farmers. The only farmers who actually have losses to them here are the sheep farmers. I’ve never seen a loss on cattle but they definitely hang around cattle. Now that thermal has become more affordable and more people are investing there is definitely more people doing it. We are still able to stay around same numbers every year. They typically go into landfill. We don’t leave them in the fields of properties we hunt.