Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Tales from the Flat Top safari

Indy, you know all about the "sworn to secrecy thingy", don't you ;) ......that is something I finally picked up from Greenhorn. He constantly has told me for two years I talk too much about our hunts and areas,....and he is right. So I will go on record as saying, the "meat" of what me, Dan and Indy have written about this year's hunts has been dead on.........but for instance, me and Dan were no where near the Flat Tops Wilderness.......but were none the less in a wilderness, so what's in a name right? ;) We changed our plans mid-stream due to circumstances and it paid off in spades....and because I found the place, I made Dan promise never to tell anyone where we were nor to return with anyone...he agreed, just as Indy agreed to smiliar conditions on his hunt. I trust both of these men explicitly.

So enjoy the stories, but pay little attention to the locations because they are as bogus as an Encampment Quality Truck Hunt.......but it is the details of the hunt we are all interested in, and not where it took place, right? :cool:

...oh, and Dan,....Austin sends his love and says he hopes your ass is all better now
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