PEAX Equipment

Tags Available

KEUTH, I think these are leftover tags for this year ?!?!? I was thinking ? MAybe not ?!?!

Oct 5th I got 5 days Alotted for DEER.. FOUND a good spot and HOOFING it back in. Oct 15th Elk opens...... Taking Wylee and Mini MOOSE outto get a elkthen Hopefully I can get mine.If I don't have one I'll TAKE the 1st week of Nov off. NOV 7th Elk closes.. THEN its off to Montanna (YELLOWSTONE ;)) for ELK/deer... I'll spend a week hunting elk if need be and If I get lucky enough o get one Early on, I'll hear 6 hours to another part o fYELLOWSTONE and get me a deer. If time runs out I come back to ID and work a couple days, KISS the wife and LEAVE for another week..... THAt takes me to the End of NOV for Turkey day. I'd like to swing by JAckson on the way back from one of those trips and MAybe skip a day or two of work
and kill me a cow elk in Wyoming....

December I'm home Bound cuz We havve a little TIKE (BOY) being born in Dec.

SO.. I'm with you, Time is a factor and I need to see how to fit it in, Of course, And not let the Wifey find out ;) HAHAH

CAN someone loan me money for x-mas, I'm guessing I'll be broke with BILLS to the Ceiling by then :( ... HEhee
Sorry for the confusion Keith. This is a depridation hunt to reduce the elk herds and the cows to bring the bull to cow ratio back to check (or so they say).
A normal non res tag is like $400. This one is $150 and is available on a 1rst come 1rst serve basis.
There were about 600 tags still left as of Friday. I have an application here if you have a FAX that I can send it to I will FAX it to you and anyone else that wishes an application.
If I can find a couple guys to sahre the cost of the trip I'm there. I have a fax number at work I'll get it to you tommorrow.
We are talking about the "Reduced Price Cow/Calf" tag, correct? I was considering this one as well just in case I do not tag out in Oct. You can call the JACKSON REGIONAL OFFICE of the Wyo G&F at 307-733-2321 to get more information. T-Day is looking good for me as well.
Hey, Keith - I wish I could go but I have my New Mexico trip for bull elk and that's it for 2002, I;m afraid - except for local trips for birds, varmints, etc.

You might email Tyson and see if he's up for it. You could pick him up in Nevada on your way...
Hey Elkhunter, is the Park Permit that is required just the normal one to get into the park? How much is it per vehicle now? What are the roads usually like at that time? Can you camp in the park that late? Thanks for all the info.
i would be in.delw and i are talking about it and as far as im concerned the more the merrier.ive never been elk hunting and i dont know the first thing about it so i would need some guidance from some of you experienced gonna be in wyoming the end of next week, if i go to the fwc in cheyenne can i buy the tags right there or do i have to mail it in.
The roads will still be open.
The park permit is the regular one you need to enter the park.
I think it is $10 per person for 7 days.
The park campgrounds will be closed by then, but there will be palces in the National Forest, within 15 minutes to camp.
Thanks Elkhunter, This is a great opportunity for some of us to get an elk, and not spend an arm and a leg. This is why I love this site, hunters keeping an eye out for other hunters.
hmmmmmmmm sounds kinda fun, just down the hiway for me and have nothing else better to do. I'll keep checking back to see how many are going.
Moosie, let me know when you have time for that cow elk season over in Wyom. I talked to a friend of mine last night and he wants to go, too, plus another hunting friend might. I haven't talked to him yet. We'll have to figure out and coordinate a date and time for the Wyoming hunt.

If we can arrange it, I'd love to have you along, although my truck only hauls three. (I understand that in addition to handguns being banned in Grand Teton Nat'l Park, they also ban frying pans carried by Nampa, Idaho, residents.

I'm hunting for deer Oct. 5th season opener, so a week or ten days, depending, will be taken there.

Presently I'm leaning heavily toward the Idaho Area 39 Elk hunt, Nov. 1 - Nov. 9th, and also have to be here for Thanksgiving Holidays, so we might cut it pretty closely.

Let's see what shakes out.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>HuntTalk cow elk gathering<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats funny elkhunter
WOW!!! My wife doesn't want me to be gone on Turkey Day, but if there's gonna be this many people going I won't miss it. My plans are to start going up every weekend once the season starts. If I'm lucky to tag out by then I'll just come along and be a 'pack horse' or 'camp bitch', you get to decide. This could be fun!!!! There's too many elk there anyway.
Elkhunter, last night after I E mailed you, I found my Bridger-Teton Nat'l. Forest map, Buffalo Ranger District. Also checked the descriptions from Wy. F&G, of Area 79, and saw the area designated.

If we have to camp in the B-T N.F., I'm wordering where you suggest camping, so as to have fairly easy access back into G.T. N. P.??

If driving north from Jackson, on Highway 26-89/191, I see a F.S. Road, 30310, that heads off the Highway S.E.into the N.F., about 1/2 mile south of the S.W. boundary of Area 79.
Camping areas there??

Or, about 1/2 mile north of the S.W. boundary of #79, I see another F.S. Road, in the G.T. N. Park, # 30290, that cuts east and a bit south, back down into B.T. N. F. Would that be a good place to go camp, and then drive back up into the Park to hunt??

Maybe topo maps show other access roads from the N.F., back into the GTNP, but my Forest Map doesn't show them.

Thanks. L.W.
OK, by my figuring, these are those who have expressed an interest in this little gather... er, get together. danr55, Boman, Delw, wyomingtim, Leanwolf, 1_pointer, Moosie, roper, Elkhunter, KiethE, tnctcb, Cutthroat. That makes 12. Any special permits required for large groups?? I guess we can start a new thread to post details?
So what's the deal guys is this something that can get done?? We need to nail down some dates.. It sounds like November sometime?? Everyone check your schedule and see if this works??
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