T Bone's Idaho goat hunt

Awesome story T!

My thoughts mirror what Ovis asked. With the set of incredible hunts you've had in the Crags, what are the odds that you'll step foot in them again in your life with another tag?

With those measurements it sounds like he might be close to book. Have you measured him all the way?

Dam nice goat.
What tag are going to draw in Idaho next year?
Of the trophy species, he's only got moose left to put in for in Idaho, right?

Very cool hunt. Congrats! Not to put a damper on your success, but I thought you were going to use your bow...?
Congratulations T-Bone. I'd say you are the mayor of "The Crags". I can remember a friend of my dad's pointing to them off in the distance once when I was very young. I have never forgotten how awe inspiring they were.

Good job.
Congrats on the goat.Great write up and pics hope you get the video uploaded.Is that the para stove or small stove and how did it work for you?
Awesome story man, congrats. You've had a heck of a time in those hills, what is that 4 years in a row you've been in there? Again, big congrats.
Congrats. Great story and pics. Cherish those memories made by doing that with your dad.
Fantastic Tyson...way to live the dream there buddy! That is a great goat and story. What a treat to have had your dad along on the adventure.
Caribou Gear

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