
Swift Boat Group Leader Exposed as Fraud


Did you have a point there, or were you just making a personal attack?

And to be honest, I don't have a clue what my SAT scores were, as I took them a long time ago (like when I was in High School), and there is even more in my life that I would brag about than test scores when I was 17, if I was a braggert.

Let me guess, Springsteen's song "Glory Days" is kinda the soundtrack of your life???

Think I’m going down to the well tonight
And I’m gonna drink till I get my fill
And I hope when I get older I don’t sit around thinking about it, :rolleyes:
But I probably will
Yeah just sitting back trying to recapture a little of the glory of
Well the time slips away and leaves you with nothing, mister
But boring stories of

Glory days, yeah they'll pass you by
Glory days, in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days

And again, can you provide us with a link that shows somebody else killed the guy Kerry killed on the day he won his Silver Star? Or are you just making that up???

(Hey Cali, notice that I generally have a point that is related to the thread, and not just attacking others...) :D
So you bury one minor point (or should I say, question) in three paragraphs of personal attack on me, and consider yourself wholesome? And wonder why I respond in a like manner?

You are still fixated on those SAT scores, are you? Yours must have been pretty low, for you to have blacked them out like that. Again, I apologize for bringing that painful period of your life back to cause you such pain.
Just a question, how many days did the 3 time purple heart hero [Kerry] spend in a hospital as a result of his purple heart wounds?
Glory days, yeah they'll pass you by .....

AGain Cali, did you have a point there, or just trying to make personal attacks???

It is funny that someone with your SAT scores wouldn't be able to find a link on your claims that the guy Kerry killed was already dead.

I wonder if that could be because your claim is not true. And if it was not true, would that make you a "liar"?

See if you can stay on the topic of the thread this time, and not lapse back into thinking about "Glory Days"....

Whatever the number was, we know it is much longer than any time Dubya AND Cheney spent recovering from any kind of wounds from combat....

But even members of Bush's Republican party have called into question the merits of the Vietnam debate.

Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas, while defending the group's right to make advertisements, said veterans he had spoken to would "like to put the swift-boat controversy into a dry dock and start talking about (veterans') health care, national security needs, our defense posture, you know, so on and so forth."

Kerry's efforts to refute the charges in the ads have been bolstered by new testimonials from fellow veterans, including a journalist at the Chicago Tribune who, like Kerry, commanded a Swift Boat during the war and the man who steered Kerry's boat during one incident in question.

The journalist, William Rood, wrote a first-person account of the February 28, 1969, mission in which Kerry won the Silver Star, saying "It's gotten harder and harder for those of us who were there to listen to accounts we know to be untrue, especially when they come from people who were not there."

Dell Sandusky, the man who piloted Kerry's boat on March 13, 1969, when he was credited with saving a man's life, largely backed Kerry's story in an interview with Newsweek magazine.
Calif. Remember when you posted this?: "Now we have someone else saying that they killed the enemy soldier that Kerry has taken credit for."

I've been searching all over the web and can't find anything anywhere that makes that claim. Can you give us a link to the source, please? If you can't give us a link, and nobody else can find a link either, does that mean you're lying? This is something that's not going to go away, Calif., so please provide the link.
"Senator Kerry carries shrapnel in his thigh as distinct from President Bush who carries two fillings in his teeth from his service in the Alabama National Guard, which seems to be his only time that he showed up," John Podesta, former chief of staff in the Clinton White House, said on ABC's "This Week."
This is where I made my mistake -

""You know, I shot that guy," Bellodeau told the Boston Globe during a 1996 interview, correcting an earlier Globe report that echoed Kerry's claim that he alone had neutralized the enemy ambusher."

So call me a liar. At least I admit a mistake and interpreted the guy's claim and the word "neutralized" incorrectly. I'm sure this will be worthy of many posts, now and in the future. That puts me on the same level as the man you are advocating. Kerry lied on the Senate Floor, documented in the Congressional Record, and he either lied when he said he threw his medals at the White House or he lied when he said he didn't throw "his" medals over the fence at the White House.

You made your mistake in your blind desire to find reasons to hate Kerry. Whether it is the thing with Heinz Corp or mis-reading the stories on the Swifties. You really don't need to find reasons to not like Kerry, it is ok to just not like him for what he did with the Vets group after he returned. That would seem sufficient. It is all of your lame "reasons" that make you look foolish.

But I do have a question about Kerry and his actions after he returned.

Was he right? Was the war wrong? Did he and others who started discussing it help, by bringing the debate into the Nation's discussions?

I ask, only as I was too young to know, first hand. And it seems like there wasn't much to be gained by being in Viet Nam, as the way the world turned out.

Are you only anti-Kerry because HOW he did it, not what he did?
You are right. (That did hurt, by the way.)

It is enough for me that Kerry has lied. Plus, he has voted in favor of every gun control bill to come before him.

Personally, I think all the politicians were wrong, back then. Or at least most of them. The Vietnam War was winnable, and it was "the right thing to do." It was done poorly, and those lost lives there were a waste. The ones who died were noble in their cause, for the most part. Their cause may have only been trying to stay alive or to help their friends stay alive, but most of them were actually supporting their country.

I think the war should have been won, and fought to win from the start. The milions (or hundreds of thousands) of people who lost their lives in the Cambodian massacres or the other "re-education" camps did not have to die.

In summary and a more direct answer to your question - yes, it was the way Kerry did it and the things he said. If he had come home and said that the war should be either fought to win or we should get out, that would have been different. Just my opinion.

You ought to lock the topic.

Nothing else needs to be said, and I think anything further would detract from a good post by you.

Call it DONE>
What is the purpose of having authority, if you can't abuse it????

I started the thread, you ended it. If we are good with it, who gives a flip about others.

You have my permission and my request to lock this topic (as the starter of the thread) and you also have my permission to delete this post of mine.