PEAX Equipment

Swarovski NL Pure - a glasser’s dream


Well-known member
May 31, 2022
The wild west
As a coming home present/birthday present, I finally committed to buying the big dogs. Swaro NL Pure 10x42 that I got 10% off, couldn’t pass it up. I don’t own a good pair of 10x42 so what better opportunity, right?

The box it came in was pretty heavy, but very high quality. I’m sure 5% of the retail price is wrapped into the packaging. But within the packaging is some great accessories.IMG_0574.jpegIMG_0575.jpegIMG_0575.jpegIMG_0576.jpeg

The case itself, while doesn’t suit me, makes a nice carrier in your backpack if you’re not a chest strappie. Otherwise, it fits snugly in the Outdoor Vision second gen harness (oval lid).


And then there it is. In all it’s glory.


For size context, Vortex Razor UHD 12x50 on the left, and Vortex Viper 10x42 on the right.

Field testing was done outside my patio.


Viper 10xIMG_0584.jpeg

Swaro 10x

In the same order as above but without 12xIMG_0586.jpegIMG_0587.jpeg

Overall, amazing glass. Anyone with the budget should get them without question. My only real gripe is the lens covers on the bottom don’t really stay on well but it’s whatever with those. I could also complain that the stud adapter kit (MUTNT) for this was over $100 and technically isn’t supported, but everyone does it. Swaro should know that this is how people glass in this century. They’re powerful freehand but on a tripod they’re insane.

I’m going to do some low light testing tonight glassing in the sun to see how much light I get. I’ll be sure to add more images.

I got a mule deer hunt this weekend that I’ll get to try them on, so just in time.

They are fantastic. On mine, one of the little tabs that holds the objective lens caps on broke. I contacted Swarovski to see about buying another and they sent me a pair free right away. Excellent service!

I am not very wise, but one thing I did right was deciding never look through high-end binoculars until I was able buy them. It took many years, but I'm glad I was able to get them.
Gotta admit two things here.

#1: you really don’t see how well Swaros excel until you get into low light situations. While the pupil size is the same between the Vipers and NL, the NL glass is clearly brighter at last light.

#2: I’ll get some groans for this one but Vortex Vipers did keep up. There was some obvious things that sobered the Viper but dead center the glass is pretty close. The dividing line was looking at an oil pump about a mile away. There are pipes on the side where you can clearly count 5 lines on the frame. This is where the Viper failed. If that was antlers, I’m not sure I could count. Pretty interesting to think about, especially units with antler restrictions (like a tag I have in CO).

I’ll also say this. Pictures do not do it justice. The pumps are way farther than what the image calls for and the tint on the Vipers is way too ‘white’. You truly need to see them with your eyes. Or I need to learn how to take correct pictures.

Only other thing I don’t like is those goofy knobs on the side. They go well for ergonomics but it’s kind of weird looking. I paid a lot for these so I guess I can complain on useless nuances like that, right?

Granted, this was all without my prescription contacts in…. Take it for what it’s worth. Vortex still has a place in my gun safe but Swaros are a clear leader.

Viper at sunset

Swaro at sunset

Viper at last minute shooting light

Swaro at last shooting light
They are amazing
Indeed. It’s clear to me that these guys are the industry standard. All pun intended.
Best hunting glass I have ever looked through and it isn’t all that close
There’s a lot of truth to that. There will be a day where I get Zeiss and Leica glass. Interested to see how they stack up.
They are fantastic. On mine, one of the little tabs that holds the objective lens caps on broke. I contacted Swarovski to see about buying another and they sent me a pair free right away. Excellent service!

I am not very wise, but one thing I did right was deciding never look through high-end binoculars until I was able buy them. It took many years, but I'm glad I was able to get them.
I always thought they had a limited year warranty but I was told it’s lifetime. That made the purchase easier.
Well done with the unboxing. They're are as advertised.
Thanks. I watch a lot of reviews and try to replicate it for the folks who want a review from a nobody like me. I have nothing to gain from these except giving back to the forum, if that makes sense.
There will be a day where I get Zeiss and Leica glass. Interested to see how they stack up.
Everyone's vision is a little different and there are personal preferences, of course, but I'm lucky to have a store fairly close that is a Zeiss, Leica and Swarovski dealer. When I tried NL Pures side by side with Zeiss Victory SF and Leica Noctivids, I preferred the NL model by quite a bit. They were all very impressive though.
Just got to reply.
Bloody best of British on your next coming hunt. Don't forget to squeeze the trigger.
No rain intended I know you're over the moon but for my money my maven b3 are tops.
Every time I read a post like this I get closer to upgrading from my old 2004/5 model ELs. So much for that promise I had made to myself that my binos would be a once in a lifetime purchase.
But close to 20 years use isnt to much to be ashamed of. I would have never made that promise to myself if I new I would live this long.
Every time I read a post like this I get closer to upgrading from my old 2004/5 model ELs. So much for that promise I had made to myself that my binos would be a once in a lifetime purchase.
But close to 20 years use isnt to much to be ashamed of. I would have never made that promise to myself if I new I would live this long.
Interesting story I heard when I was buying them. So the man that was helping me told me about a similar older pair of Swaros that his father sent in for service. He had requested all four lenses be replaced and it costed him around &400-$500 or so. So this guy got current lenses with all the coatings for the price of a new pair of Vipers. Now I don’t know how much better the glass clarity is, but I thought I’d share that story.
Every time I read a post like this I get closer to upgrading from my old 2004/5 model ELs. So much for that promise I had made to myself that my binos would be a once in a lifetime purchase.
But close to 20 years use isnt to much to be ashamed of. I would have never made that promise to myself if I new I would live this long.
I had my 8.5 ELs 15 years before buying the NLs.

The NLs are better but not that much better than my ELs. I’d recommend avoiding looking through NLs and enjoy your ELs as long as possible.

I kept my ELs. My college age sons now grab them as their binos on hunts. My sons are the real winners in my NL purchase.
I had my 8.5 ELs 15 years before buying the NLs.

The NLs are better but not that much better than my ELs. I’d recommend avoiding looking through NLs and enjoy your ELs as long as possible.

I kept my ELs. My college age sons now grab them as their binos on hunts. My sons are the real winners in my NL purchase.
I would say they are winners for sure. And I have not yet looked thru a set.
I had my 8.5 ELs 15 years before buying the NLs.

The NLs are better but not that much better than my ELs. I’d recommend avoiding looking through NLs and enjoy your ELs as long as possible.

I kept my ELs. My college age sons now grab them as their binos on hunts. My sons are the real winners in my NL purchase.

There wasn't a thing wrong with my 10x42 SLC until the EL Swarovision debuted. That was way back when Bear Basin were taking trades for a decent value. No idea if they still do.

I bought NL w/o looking & Jr now has the 10x42 EL. I'm happy he has them & doubt he'll ever need another pair.
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