Swap hunt moose for whitetail?

I'd help you out on the 170" whitetail if I knew where any were Problem is I don't, maybe you should open it up for a dalls hunt maybe more guys would bite on that You just need an Alasken Resident to hunt with not a guide for that don't you.
If you are a nonresident you must use a guide unless you have a resident family member within 2nd degree kinship.
Ok I wasn't sure if it was family member or just resident well scratch that then! Moose is as good as its gonna get ;) (Personally I think a bull moose is the sexiest animal around and should be above everyones fireplace anyway!)
A sheep for a deer? That seems like a fair trade.

I'll even throw in a kodiak bear and a goat. I REALLY want to kill a big whitetail.
This is the funniest thread I have read in a while.

How about you come to Maryland and hunt hard. I will provide modest accommodations for up to 30 days. We bracket the season so you can shoot two bucks with a bow, two with blackpowder, and two with a rifle. Since you are already bringing back meat I will throw in the thirty doe you are also eligible to shoot. If you can't kill a 170 class whitetail you can always add the antler total together from the six bucks which will likely be closer to 800". But hey, you will eat well for a long time;)
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Thanks for the offer MD, but I spent a fair amount of time doing my best to control the whitetail population in metro Balmer... Love to get back to the shore and hunt big deer and sika, but I doubt I will. One of the farms I hunted was in the kill-em-all zone with no limit on body count in archery season. The hard part was finding someone to take all that meat. The best I did was 6 deer in one year... four bucks, 2 does.

I'd even offer up an elk hunt for a big whitetail hunt. A lot of the guys from MT that post big ass bulls hunt in the same area I know very well. A Booner elk for a Booner whitetail? Maybe that would be a better trade? I'd really like to find a big farm in KS say 1000 acres or more that I could hunt all by myself for about 2 weeks.
Wow Balmer is a long way from your current digs! I live "down the ocean hon".

We have deer the size you are looking for however they certainly aren't behind every pine tree. As they say "this ain't Kansas"...
We have some deer that will make the books on public lands.If you would like to come here and hunt you are welcome to.I would recomend you bow hunt them though unless you like holding hands with people dressed like a giant pumpkin.It would cost you around $150.00 for the tag and whatever in hotels.I cannot say for sure if you would even see one though even though they are there.Hell you dont even have to take me on a moose hunt in return and I would be glad to help you out or answer any questions you have.

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