Caribou Gear Tarp

Sure is dead in SI

"BRC promotes negative images of environmentalists as uncaring, anti-rural, anti-progress and anti-human. "

It's not hard to promote nagative images of environmentalists/tree huggers when you read see the type of posting that comes from some of them.

Quotes for Ithaca,
("I think intelligent posters who try to have informative debates get burned out dealing with the idiots on my "Ignore" list. Who wants to be harrassed by simple minded morons every time they post?
Ever notice how much those assclowns actually contribute here?
Grade school dropout assclowns like you have ruined the place. Want proof you're a dimwit? Try counting your spelling errors. 'Bye.")

Ithaca,right on thats the way to show us images of an intelligent informative poster.

Just remember -"Anyone that is intrested in a good debate WILL debate ,
but those that dont have the personal fortitude to debate people with a different view of things will use there ignore list.LOL
Gee, Seems like someone just got kicked in the nads... Bet that hurts.

Not being a grade school drop out or an assclown, but having different ideas from the Pissant, back road, anti-establishment, self-serving, self-agrandising, know-it-all, dirt scuffin', tree huggin', lawyer lovin', hook nosed, tennis shoe lipped, rachet faced, red necks, I guess I'll just throw in some adjectives to livin' things up a bit.

Let's debate! Where's HoseB?

One theory might be the vitriol levees encompassing SI and CE were of poor design (Bush's fault of course), thereby allowing the overflow of spirited "debate" into adjacent and unsuspecting furums.

I suspect Jose is spending the day in mourning for one of his fallen heroes.

If I fail respond to certain posters, it's absolutely not because they are on my ignore list.
A simple search shows how many topics have been started in SI by Bandit and noharleyet. :rolleyes: To answer my question in an earlier post in this thread: " Ever notice how much those assclowns actually contribute here?
10-22-2005 01:21 AM "

noharleyyet --- 2 topics started. Here's one of them:
NCAA Men's Championship
For the benefit of those arguing during the game...North Carolina is up 40 to Illinois 27

Bandit --- 0 topics started

Thanks for your contributions, you guys! You're a credit to your grade schools. :D

MD4me would be a credit to her's, too, if she hadn't dropped out. :D

And a big Congratulations to danr55! In all the years he's been posting he's actually started 12 topics here in SI all by himself!
...and you would be the champ assclown of the cut & paste post Ithaca. Try an original reply or post without a convenient footnote excerpt from one of your "thought confirming" idealogues. You started this p.o.s. pis & moaner but you don't like the answers so you start calling childish names. :D

Get a life & quit ridiculing others who don't waste as much bandwidth as you do. :D
Ithica, Do you have a problem with my having started 12 topics? Is that an issue for you? You always have the option to leave.

"Quit whining, you big fanny".. Grow up and listen to what people have to say. Even the people who disagree with you. Just because they disagree with you and your ideas doesn't make them wrong. You should learn to give a modicum of respect to everyone. Just because they may or may not have the same level of education that you have, does not make them idiots. Speaking of which, you are certainly big on level of education. How much education do you have?

dan, "Do you have a problem with my having started 12 topics? Is that an issue for you?" I don't really have a problem with it. I just think it's interesting to see how little you've contributed. Especially since you make so many snide remarks about others. BTW, I have a PhD from The School of Hard Knocks.

PS Can't you figure out how to spell "Ithaca" yet? You must have seen it thousands of times by now. :D

noharley, Notice how this topic has livened up SI? :D It sure was dead around here for awhile!

That can't be all you have. How about something original for a change?

What I find funny is more than once you have posted that "wise use" BS when the topic of the BRC has come up. Like that is supposed to matter to anyone besides radical environmentalists that want to rid the dirt of all human contact. I am not going to school you again :D ;) while debating the BRC and its legitimacy and what it really advocates, because other than the "wise use" BS, there is nothing negative about them to be said that can be backed up with facts. Please prove me wrong. Bill Dart was fired for what he did. If you want them to advocate for tougher penalties for illegal use of ORV, then pay your $20 for a membership and tell them in a legitimate and constructive manner. All the whining about them is tired and repetative.

BTW - when are the ID F&G going to start selling Caribou tags in Northern Idaho? I hear three of them venture into the US once in a while.
Hangar, Just do your own google search for BRC articles if you don't like what I've posted.

I'm sorry you've been duped by those BRC anti-environment fatassed crackpots.

If the BRC hasn't pushed for tougher penalties for illegal off road use by now, it's obvious they don't want the problem solved. My $20 bucks won't make a difference. When I first met Clark Collins around 1987 it was real obvious he was a crackpot. I'm sorry to see him go. He was the perfect "fearless leader" for the BRC looney tunes. BTW, what have you been getting for all those BRC dues you've been paying? Been shut out of any more public lands lately? :D

Isnt it funny how the fat-assed atvers are being locked out of more and more areas throughout the U.S.? They have groups like the BRC taking their money and they dont get much return on it.

Every Forest Plan I've read in the last 4-5 years always contains a pretty heavy section on ORV use and how they're going to LIMIT access more and more. They're losing big...and I'm liking that.
Dan said that, I had to take a second look and jump to my own conclussion to its actaul meaning.... :)

Hook nosed and rachet face sound a little rough also... :D
Ithaca, With all that time you have on looking who started what, You should take a few mins and Alphabetize your Ignor list, It would be easier for everyone to tell who's on it :D
"Ithaca, With all that time you have on looking who started what, You should take a few mins and Alphabetize your Ignor list, It would be easier for everyone to tell who's on it "

Moosie LOL.

Everytime I see the ignore list I think about those people that have died and they go in to clean out there house and find all kinds of strange stuff ,you know like stacks and stacks of old new's papers ,boxes of ignore lists ,hate list's and voodoo doll's
Stacks and piles of stat's on everyone that posts on the internet LOL
Only two mentions of "fat-ass" so far. You guys are slipping.

I haven't been shut out of any public lands lately. And thanks to the dillusions of Carole King, I think that streak is going to continue.
This should just about do it for this thread along with maybe a couple others... :D:D:D


I think IT has a closet full of Rush Limbaugh voodoo dolls and spends his day listening to talk radio. Every time Rush say something that gets his panties in a knot, he gleefully pokes away at the doll with one of his tree spikes left over from the good old days of social activism. LMAO!

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