
Sure is dead in SI

BigHornRam said:

I think IT has a closet full of Rush Limbaugh voodoo dolls and spends his day listening to talk radio. Every time Rush say something that gets his panties in a knot, he gleefully pokes away at the doll with one of his tree spikes left over from the good old days of social activism. LMAO!

Paul, that explain Rush's oxycontin dependence. He's got the voodoo rheumatism. :D ;)

I was going to connect IT's voodoo fantasies to Rush's back soon as the forged documents where faxed to me. Quit leaking!

Keep cut and pasting my comments of'll be on his ignoranus list before you know it! Heading out to elk hunt here in a couple days. Keep things lively while I'm gone!
Can't stop Paul, am on the verge of winning Ithaca away from the dark side into the realm of logical thought. :D :eek:

So you ignore except when someone is quoted by someone not on your ignore list? Then shouldn't it be called a "delay list" or a "ignore unless quoted" list? Or maybe and "ignore for the moment" list.. In any event, it's obvious that you don't "ignore" anyone regardless of your "ignore list" which makes that a "useless list" by anyone's definition.......regardless of your "educational credentials list".


LOL Seth...

It keeps things moving though and makes things interesting if one likes the soaps that are created on occassion thru them... :)
AZ402 said:
I say we have a UFC style match in Oscars backyard this summer. I'll put up the money for the Octagon.

Sounds keyboards allowed, right?
Michael, Read the title. It livened things up here when it had been dead for awhile. I sure didn't see you doing anything to increase traffic in SI. :rolleyes: Shit for brains ass clown.
That's why it's dead you $*)Q!#@$ moron! Why should people waste time dealing with tennis shoe lipped,nut-less wonders, with superiority conflicts, like you?
I'm just bummed that I wasted 3 minutes of my time on a shit head fugger like you:rolleyes: ;) :)
I'm out of here.
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