Supreme Court Decision

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States have already said they will go down the "sensitive place" path and try to declare pretty much everywhere "sensitive"
This ruling already called BS on that - but I do agree that 2A under Heller will now enter the post-Roe status of a never ending run of state regulations designed to make the use of the constitutional right as frustrating as possible. Thousands of laws and hundreds of court rulings will be the battleground for the next 20 years. Buckle up.
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This ruling already called BS on that - but I do agree that 2A under Heller will now enter the post-Roe status of a never ending run of state regulations designed to make the use of the constitutional right as frustrating as possible and thousands of laws and hundreds of court rulings will be the battleground for the next 20 years. Buckle up.

We're the worst.

was waiting for this to come up... though I figured it might be it's own thread.
figured it would likely not fit in HT - though worked to exemplify VG's comment w/o derailing ... (Hopefully)
Such as R v W?

Not to side track though speak of an interesting example... ;)

was waiting for this to come up... though I figured it might be it's own thread.

No. Shut it down, this has nothing to do with hunting, public lands, firearms etc.

The big guy has specifically asked us not to go there on threads.

Happy Friday go fishing, shoot some clays, enjoy your the weekend.
figured it would likely not fit in HT - though worked to exemplify VG's comment w/o derailing ... (Hopefully)
That's the purpose. Ukraine is not fitting your examples nor finance... Easy titan of the forum. :) It was to share a direct example of VG's comments
SCOTUS averages one reversal a year. Some are socially important, some not. One person's forbearance is another person's just denied.
No. Shut it down, this has nothing to do with hunting, public lands, firearms etc.

The big guy has specifically asked us not to go there on threads.

Happy Friday go fishing, shoot some clays, enjoy your the weekend.
Yes...not sure why i have even read this far.
Going Summer Steelhead fishing tomorrow, using shrimp. Much more enjoyable to talk about.
and selectively onward we move... ;)

So how bout them Yankees and their gun laws?
Net net I'm betting this ruling is actual bad for gun owners. I think given the current environment we are going to see a ton of pushback with other laws that de facto ban carrying.

The news coverage on both sides of this cause really drives me nuts, to me it feels like a lot of hot air being blown around by people who don't know much about how the actual system works.

Honestly I have no clue how this will effect NY.

But here is my application for my LTC, as you can see Massachusetts has no problem issuing one for personal protection. That news narrative is just horse pucky.


Prior to today you could get a CC permit for personal protection, in the future that permit probably doesn't allow you to carry in a lot more places.
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