Supreme Court Cases And ATVs : BRC is working for YOU

FCB, FYI - Since I killed my elk this season (which resulted in me having to buy an elk tag), I have spent the remainder of the season tracking down illegal ATV/Offroader trails in the areas that I hunt, and am working to get the guys busted. Wish me luck. BTW, what are you doing to catch the guys in "your" canyon, whine?

1-P, I support the current designated wilderness areas. I don't agree with the rules allowing mining, airstrips, iron/steel bridges, or maintained trails in those wildernesses, but that's me. I think a wilderness should be just that a wild place without permanent human interventions. The WSA's are just that STUDY AREAS. Why can't there be disjucted portions of wilderness? The areas thatare inquestion here would have been better labeled as wilderness "recovery" study areas, but I don't think that designation exists yet (in time I think it will).

SRR, by your postings it is evident that you still lack the ability to comprehend the difference between legal riding and illegal riding.
Detective Ten Beers ,
You claiming to track down illegal ATVers is as ridiculous as Earth First claiming to track down lunatics who spike trees .

I have caught assholes off road on their quads before and when I get through putting the fear of God in them they're usually very polite assholes , or they pack up their camp and head back to Las Vegas , Kalifornia .

Most of the time they're fair-weather hunters and are there and gone before me , but they leave their tracks everywhere for all to enjoy .

You're killing me with that Elk comment , if you shoot a duck would that result in buying duck stamps ?
If I decide to hunt ducks, then I'll buy duck stamps. LMAO, I doubt you put the fear of God into much of anything, let alone any ATV riders. At least I have the satifaction of knowing the one I catch are going to have their day in court.

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