Suppressed 338 RUM?

I am certainly not an expert here but in talking with some of the well known builders of these large magnum rifles, I've found that none of them like to build anything shorter than 22". 100 grains of powder is a lot to burn up. I shoot 16"-18" barrels suppressed on several smaller cartridges but was talked out of going that short on my 300NMI. All of that said, with the projectiles you're looking at, even at 2700fps muzzle velocity you're still above Hammer's minimum velocity out to 700yds. I think you should do it and create a thread for us to follow along. Shit, I think you should go 18" with a Scythe-Ti. Light and compact.
I am certainly not an expert here but in talking with some of the well known builders of these large magnum rifles, I've found that none of them like to build anything shorter than 22". 100 grains of powder is a lot to burn up. I shoot 16"-18" barrels suppressed on several smaller cartridges but was talked out of going that short on my 300NMI. All of that said, with the projectiles you're looking at, even at 2700fps muzzle velocity you're still above Hammer's minimum velocity out to 700yds. I think you should do it and create a thread for us to follow along. Shit, I think you should go 18" with a Scythe-Ti. Light and compact.

I'm not aware of scythe options for 33 cal or bigger, think it's just a 30 cal can. I'd also avoid RUM sized anything through one with an 18" barrel as there have been a number them with weld failures with more modest sized magnums and 18-22" barrels despite sico's "no barrel length restriction" spec.
Ruger guide 338 win mag with a suppressor sounds dope. All for the price of a weatherby including the suppressor
Sounds like an expensive way to do what a 300 mag does to me.
A 338 rum will do a hell of a lot more than a 300 win mag does.

I’ve got a suppressed 338 rum that I hunt with often. It’s a hammer. Almost 5000 ft lbs of energy at the muzzle. It shoots very well, suppresses very well, and bucks the wind like crazy when compared to smaller calibers with lower bc’s.
In all seriousness I do think that Weatherby 338 RPM sounds perfect for a project like this with a short barrel, but you better buy enough brass to last a lifetime.
Will it kill an elk deader than an ‘06 - no. Is it still cool AF - hell yeah brother!

It’ll be fun. If you’re doing it for grins and giggles, then you have no legitimate reason to NOT do it.

I’d suggest either doing a Wyatt’s 3.995” box mag, or the Unknown Munnitions mag/bottom metal to really get everything you want out of it.

I mean hell - if you’re going to be a bear, be a grizzly.
Not sure why but started thinking what a 338 RUM with a 20" barrel and a suppressor could do with a 210, 220 or 245 hammer. Never had too much interested in the big powder burners, but this it could be practical to carry and kill some elk and not so much my shoulder.

Anyone have any though of speeds this could produce? It's only taken like 10 years but @mtmuley finally got me to consider one.
Post this on Rokslide and watch heads explode. mtmuley
A 338 rum will do a hell of a lot more than a 300 win mag does.

I’ve got a suppressed 338 rum that I hunt with often. It’s a hammer. Almost 5000 ft lbs of energy at the muzzle. It shoots very well, suppresses very well, and bucks the wind like crazy when compared to smaller calibers with lower bc’s.

Agree if you're comparing like bullets to like bullets. Unless hammer's 338 bullets have BCs that don't suck like the rest of their line i doubt they buck the wind better or kill better than a good 30 cal lead bullet in magnum chambering.
I can't even keep up with the personalities. The sensitivities on this forum let alone another one.
I loaded a 338 RUM for a bit. I could get 3200 fps plus using a 225 grain Accubond, 26 inch barrel. Easy. Kind of a baseline. I didn't have RL -26 then. You should run this by Steve. mtmuley
In all seriousness I do think that Weatherby 338 RPM sounds perfect for a project like this with a short barrel, but you better buy enough brass to last a lifetime.
This is what I’m doing. 338 weatherby rpm. 18” barrel. 200 grain Accubond and 230 gr eldx. Through a banish 338. Leupold vx5 on top. Definitely turning into my favorite set up. Shot three elk this year.
I'm not aware of scythe options for 33 cal or bigger, think it's just a 30 cal can. I'd also avoid RUM sized anything through one with an 18" barrel as there have been a number them with weld failures with more modest sized magnums and 18-22" barrels despite sico's "no barrel length restriction" spec.
I have a Hybrid 46 with a 9mm front cap I used for 338-06, it worked well. I was planning on getting a Griffin Armament Sportsman Ultralight in 338 for my 33 Nosler, but they have a 24" barrel restriction. Griffin just came out with a 338 Sportsman HD that has no restriction so I went with that. I'm going to run the Q Cherry Bomb XL brake and Plan B so it and my 8.6blk will be isolated to the same system.

You guys are all talking about these big 338s with huge capacity. That's why I went with the 33 Nosler, its more efficient and uses a good amount less powder.

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