Super Bowl

Who do you think should be in the super bowl??? SAN DIEGO VS. DALLAS...and no, neither of these are my teams, the only thing keeping these two teams from not making it were the efforts of a few choice idiots, and one costly mistate....SD should have, and would have, beat the Pats had it not been for the worst timed head butt i've ever seen, that cost the Chargers 15 yards, and the game.......99 times out of 100 Tony Romo puts that ball on the ground for the kicker, take away those two and there are the teams that are in Miami
I will put $20 that the colts score more then 10 points...New Orleans is the most potant offence in the league, and they only put up 14 against the it is a team game not a one man team LOL....every sport is a team sport, but what are the only two things that anyone is talking about for this game....hmmm....2 INDIVIDUAL players....that is how this game has been mapped out, so tell me its a team sport all you want, but all anyone cares about is Manning and Grossman

So do we have a bet??????
Ask larry johnson if they can stop the run :rolleyes:
gUiTaRzAn....yOu wAtCh tOo mUcH eSpN:D ...Grossman wasn't 3-13.:confused:
i DoNt HaVe EsPn, I dOnT eVeN hAvE CaBlE, bUt I wAs StIlL aBlE tO wAtCh KaNsAs KnOcK oUt McCoY aNd KiCk ThE sHiT oUt Of ThE LoNgHoRnS:D i JuSt KnOw WhAt Im TaLkInG aBoUt....KeEp DrEaMiN bOuT yOuR hArLeY

and also, why would i bet $20 with someone i don't know or trust, and i don't even know if you have $ me a favor, put it in a savings account for your kids to go to college, because i obviously care more about that then you do seeing how you just wanna blow 20 bucks on betting the NFL (which you should never do, it never turns out good, the NFL IS NOT predictable)
I don't make dumb bets;)
My kids have plenty in their savings :D
It just sounds to me that your team has had there $ss handed to them by one or both of the teams in the game. And you just don't like good players hump hump
John Faggot Elway who couldn't win untill Joe Montana retired

, who wants to see a punk like that holding up the Lombardi Trophy, when we all know he doesn't deserve it? class, crappy attitude, immature, that honor should be set aside for respectable players,

I've been saying this exact same thing to 402 for years,thankyou!hump hump I wish Manning would win so we could only hope the douche bag will retire like his twin Smelway:D :D
I could care less who wins. I only watch it for the commercials and most of the time they suck too!
Five words that should never be used in the same sentence: Rex Grossman Super Bowl Champion. Go Colts!!
my team didn't even made the playoffs (49ers), so once again you are wrong....see if we would have bet that you would have lost, like i said..... but it's no big deal, they still have the best teams assembled (82, 85, 89, 90, and o yeah 95...i might be mistaken but weren't they the first team to win 5 superbowls?? just chekcing).....and i love great players....Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Roger Craig, Dwight Clarck, Ronnie Lott, Charles Haley, John Taylor, Bill Romanowski....but thats just hte 9ers....ive rooted for great players my whole life, even if i've never watched the games, like the old packers, or, you are wrong again, so that is two things we could have bet on just in your last responce that i would have won, i just dont' want to take your money;) ....the only "great players" ive never rooted for is John Elway (COUGH!!....OVERRATED...) and Peyton Manning....its just more fun to watch him lose then win

but we do agree on one thing, i do think the colts are going to win....

but like i said, don't bet the NFL, if this so called "GOOD" Rex Grossman shows up, they better pressure him hard, or the colts will have a tough time.... get in Sexy Rexy's face, he will crumble, Dwight Freeney will keep them in check up front, Bob Sanders has the secondary taken care of, and that is why i think the Bears only score 2 field goals

but after that they still have to watch out for Chicago's defense...they wont wear down like the Pats did....they are too good... the colts have 3 great recievers, the bears have arguably 2 of the better corners in the league, and Brian Urlacher can cover Clark, he did used to play punt returner in they will also hold the colts at bay, and force them to use the run game

Colts 10
Bears 6
I'd be letting down old Ramitupyourass if I didn't make a prediction.So I'll go
Colts 34
Bears 20

I bet It's a game till the fouth!

I'd still like to see Urlacher get the ring he is deserving.

I'd give the damn thing to Boise State Still the best game ever played, and college no less.
Bears defense...14
Running game after defensive turnover...14
Grossman -6

Colts 20
Last time the Bears had a real dickhead for a QB they won the Super Bowl as well. They also had a bad ass defense. What was the score in that one? I'm going to have to up grade my prediction....Bears by 14!
John Elway, the best quaterback of all time

I've been saying this exact same thing to 402 for years,thankyou!hump hump I wish Manning win[/QUOTE]

Beardouches gayness is unreviled. I think someone has been running up his whiskey tab at the bowling alley.

You should check with the local community college and see if they have any english or writting classes available.

Colts 24-17
If Manning wins he'll be in 10X the commercials he's in now!!! :BLEEP:
I don't think I can stand that!! |oo
For that reason and the fact that he's not the all american boy like the media portrays him, I'm gonna root for Da' Bears!!! :p
It just sounds to me that your team has had there $ss handed to them by one or both of the teams in the game. And you just don't like good players

HAHA... Sure ,get my Employee fired up. The truth hurts you know ;)

All I read in 2 pages was :

BLAH BLAH BLAH, I'm Fat and Yell at my TV....
:D :D

I'm with wilecoyote76 on the I could give a Ratz ass if there was even a game. It's ALL about the comercials. And whatever Food comercial is on first, I'll be eating there come Monday lunch time. Thats how I roll.........
Last time the Bears had a real dickhead for a QB they won the Super Bowl as well. They also had a bad ass defense. What was the score in that one? I'm going to have to up grade my prediction....Bears by 14!

As in most things you comment on, your oppinion was wrong!
But who's counting. 100, 101, 102, ect .......................

Urlacker played a hellava game.

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