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Sunny Boy, Rest Easy

Hang in there @MTelkHuntress .
Been in the exact same scenario.
Not gonna sugarcoat it, this could take some time. I got misty thinking about my malamute for 10-15 years. When you are ready you will get another.
Sorry for your loss. I heard something recently in response to sadness over dogs' lives being so short: they have to die before we do, because they love us so completely and genuinely that they wouldn't be able to handle it if we died first.

But...16 years for a large breed, purebred dog is incredible. I'll consider myself lucky if I can get 12 years with mine. Sounds like Sunny had an incredible life.
This is interesting. When my dad died he left behind his old dog. One of my brothers took her home and when he let her out she went out back into heavy brush and would not come our. He put food and water out there for her but a week later she had died. Died of a broken heart I'm sure. Dad and that old dog went everywhere together!
Uuugh! So sorry, something about Goldens, took my wife and I several years before we got over the last one to get another. Even though the new one is only two I dread the day we have to say goodbye. Such great friends.
So very sorry for your loss.

“I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time? The misery of keeping a dog is his dying so soon. But, to be sure, if he lived for fifty years and then died, what would become of me?”
– Sir Walter Scott
Sorry for your loss. I have a golden right now that sounds exactly like Sunny, best dog i've ever had. She's only 2.5YO so I hope to have many more good years with her.
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Sunny was the best pup I could have asked for. He was my first dog and will always hold a special place in my heart. I cared so very much for him. He was with me for most of my life and was around for many milestones. I remember begging my parents for a dog for so long and then one day, my dad very suspiciously took me to work with him on a Saturday. I had a feeling I knew what we were doing. Sure enough, we were going to look at some puppies. While we were playing with the puppies, there was this one that crawled under my chair and kept looking at me. I knew he was the one. Mellow yellow was his nickname, due to his collar color and he was a bit more mellow than his siblings.

As a very shy and quiet kid who was also an only child, it was nice to have a companion always around. Sunny was very much a people dog and kind of forced me to talk to people. He loved to greet people and was so patient and well mannered.... except the one and only time he ever stole food, which was a slice of pizza and I really can't blame him.

As I got older, I took him everywhere. He loved to go on car rides, even if it was just doing errands. He loved hikes and water, even though he wasn't very good at swimming. He helped us hang many trail cameras and scout many miles. He loved boat rides and inspecting fish. He was no bird dog, but he did like to carry grouse in his mouth once in a while when he tagged along for hunts. When the day came and he couldn't jump into the truck anymore, I mustered all my strength and lifted him up into the truck. He was a little bit too trusting in the beginning and would walk right off the tailgate, knowing I would be there to catch him no matter what.

When I left for college, he kept my parents company. My mother, who strictly said "no dogs in the house", melted when we brought this dog home. While I was away, she made him bone broths to eat with his dinner. My dad would take Sunny to work and he loved to ride along in the truck on service calls.
When I did get to visit, I was always excited to see Sunny and take him on adventures in the mountains. I was always so proud of him and it always made me smile when people talked about how sweet and friendly he was.

He was truly the best dog I could have ever asked for. He was so dang smart. I learned a lot of lessons from Sunny and tried my very best to give him the life he deserved. He taught me what unconditional love really meant. Sunny definitely taught me patience. He was so loved and left a lasting impact on everyone's lives. It was a good 16 years together. Losing him has been extremely tough and painful but I know I did everything I could for him.

Before I got Sunny, my dad made me read a book about owning a Golden Retriever. The last chapter was about when it's time to say goodbye. I always skipped that chapter. Well, I finally read it.
"But remember how much your Golden has given you throughout his lifetime".
"Finally, remember how very lucky you are that a Golden Retriever has changed your life".
Sunny gave a lot and I will always be grateful for him and cherish every second we had together.
The house feels so empty without him and I feel like I can still hear him bark sometimes. We had our daily routine and it's been so sad to not have him around anymore.

"Getting the chance to be loved by a Golden Retriever is a rare and wonderful thing."
Rest easy Sunny. I love him so much.

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I was thinking about you yesterday, our old pup finally passed, I bought her for my wife as a birthday present two months after we got married. I could tell it was coming so I sent the kids out and just sat next to her bed until it was over, thankfully it was quick. Losing a good dog just sucks, there's no way around it...
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