Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Sunday Pic of the Day

Used to be a radio show here with Craig and Al. They based Spring on the road kill skunk and out of state motor homes. Good stuff. mtmuley
Bluebirds typically show up in mid March, robins follow by April.
Maybe all the campgrounds will just stay closed and the motor homes stay home.
Man as far as latitude goes I feel like your not that far off. But you talking about the fruit trees and this has me questioning that.
I'm near the Mason Dixon line and close enough to the coast that we don't usually get all the cold that the interior gets.
Just got home from dinner out. 13F, 25 mph NW wind, complete whiteout snow squalls. Spent the afternoon hiking on snowshoes with my wife. Still winter up here !
I was at a local Army Corps of Engineering Visitor Center today and I saw this display. Not long after I moved back East, I shot a bear with my bow. While I was field dressing it, I heard something “hopping” through the leaves towards me. Along came a fisher. That was pretty neat. I have since seen tracks in the snow, in the same general area, that I was sure were from a fisher.

While living in North Idaho, I saw a martin and a wolverine, but never a fisher.

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