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Sunday Pic of the Day

Road Moose !! Came over the ridge from my evening deer hunt to see moosie walking down the road just a few hundred yards from my truck , she was more curious about me than anything, after I took a few pics, then I headed down the hill towards the truck , she just stood there and watched me the entire time and never moved
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Got to the road she’s still watching me , so I took another pic without my binos
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Moose muddy pass.JPG
I myself don't know the exact science behind it, my Buddy says its to keep them from pecking the eyeballs out of each other.
I’ve heard of poultry guys putting them on birds if there’s one in the flock that has a visible would cause the others will peck at the wound. Never heard about birds pecking eyes out though!
The beauty of the sunrise did not translate to deer within range.

PS: I have now cleaned my cellphone camera lens as although it was slightly foggy, it wasn’t as foggy as this photo implies.
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