Caribou Gear Tarp

Sunday Pic of the Day

@EYJONAS! @Doublecluck. I've always wondered why the central flyway migration seems to be later than our Mississippi flyway migration. Considering you guys are further north and typically colder weather than us? Maybe more river systems and less ponds than here? Although I would think you guys would typically have significantly more snow also?
@EYJONAS! @Doublecluck. I've always wondered why the central flyway migration seems to be later than our Mississippi flyway migration. Considering you guys are further north and typically colder weather than us? Maybe more river systems and less ponds than here? Although I would think you guys would typically have significantly more snow also?
I would guess overall snowpack, birds can roost anywhere there’s a tailwater, warm water spring, or river that ain’t froze. So as long as the snow isn’t too deep they will land and defrost whatever is in the fields. Cold temperatures doesn't always make big honkers and mallards migrate, but access to food absolutely will. Eastern Montana is covered in beet fields and I’ve shot plenty of honkers in late January when it’s 20 below.

Gus and I bumped into the local flock on our way back from a run... decided to work on our mouth calling.

Didn't have the heart to tell him at the time but Gus's cluck sucks, his gobble is coming along though...
@EYJONAS! @Doublecluck. I've always wondered why the central flyway migration seems to be later than our Mississippi flyway migration. Considering you guys are further north and typically colder weather than us? Maybe more river systems and less ponds than here? Although I would think you guys would typically have significantly more snow also?
I'll send you a pm
Slash looking serious this morning searching for birds.
Caribou Gear

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