Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Sunday Pic of the Day

When you take two idiot labs to a little lake, and you try to take a photo of the little largemouth you just caught but the black one is trying to eat the fish while the chocolate one is leaning against you hard to let you know it's not her being a jackwagon so the phone goes back in your pocket to deal with the dog trainwreck.

That's this photo.

Well, I got to pack my bighorn out this morning - and it was a frustrating experience. As you see he's a steel target, but the frustrating thing is the match in there isn't going to happen. When I first hiked this property and saw this finger canyon and the narrow shelf above the cliff, I knew I was getting a custom target made and putting up there. With the very high temps forecast for this week the land owner said they just can't risk it. Now, I've found another nice place, but not near as much interesting terrain or the proximity to a paved road. Oh well, I better quit complaining and get back to work, we're harvesting this week and I have to move everything about 30 miles and set up another range for a PRS match this Saturday.
Sure looks empty now that he's gone. It is terribly hot but I guess the show will still go on - somewhere else!

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