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Sunday Pic of the Day

One last training session in the Red Cliffs near St. George yesterday. Our rescue Maltese led the way.
Closed the cabin for the winter on Kolob Mountain today.


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Don't see many of these anymore.:D
Hunted from sunrise to sundown , Zero Blacktails not even a doe. I did glass up a great view of MT SAINT HELENS

I saw nine Roosevelt’s during the day, 2, then 5, and a then a couple singles after that , The best part was I drove into a small group of five and there was a spike about 130 yards from my truck so I turned it off and watched him and then he split from the cows n calf’s , then the four cows just slowly walked up the hill in front of me. I did find it interesting that that small spike his instincts were split from the cows head straight for the timber, that young bull has a plan to live a long time because I was pretty impressed to see him do that at such a young age. But not before I took a picture of him, While sitting in my truck, This is him looking back at the cows to see if they were coming they didn’t so he turned his head and left the scene
Then I zoomed out and took a picture of the cows going single file up the hill in front of me but that young bull went straight uphill on the left of the pic into that big timber

I got five more days to hunt, tomorrow’s a new day we’ll see what happens. Damn Blacktails!
Went duck hunting at the Umatilla NWR on Sunday. I brought Lillian along so that she could carry the decoys for me. The only way to get her out in the blind is to promise that she'll see some good birds. She was not disappointed. Just after we got set up (and before shooting light) we got close looks at several groups of birds.


We wound up with two on the day. Had some good opportunities at more, but I'm still rusty and was struggling to hit anything. Also several of the best groups arrived as we were wandering through the 8 foot tall reeds searching for the drake mallard. There is a world where this day turns into an easy limit.


Hike out at the end of the hunt. Fun was had all around.
