Yeti GOBOX Collection

Sunday Pic of the Day

1.5 weeks prior to the PBR’ in The pic…..but maybe after some others…? 🤣😂. Speaking purely from my own perspective of course, as it’s unlikely I’d go 1.5 weeks without at least one beer with dinner.

Car repairs are no fun, even if you do have a good person to do the work. Hopefully a good lesson from this that will be retained for the “tuition” you will be paying to get the repair done.
Not wanting to full @wllm1313 and leave everyone hanging, no beer was involved. I overestimated my daughter’s ability to navigate a two track. She kind of panicked and let the truck get going too fast for her steering abilities. We need to have a more comprehensive understanding of “feather the brakes”. It’s my fault and I told her so. Fortunately, our insurance will cover it aside from a $700 deductible. Expensive lesson for sure…..
Better pay attention when swift fox family moves in 10 yards away.
John and I did a 7.1 mile hike/scout , my feet are sore after this one , and now for the high lights

Off and running

on this old road pictured above , I found a great trail where the elk cross this road a few years back , I was able to relocate it from memory and we dropped in on it to have a look about

we noticed Someone else had been in there in the last several weeks as we found cut branches and they opened up the elk trail . so we were curious to see where they were going with the effort invested on the elk trail , so we decided to scrap our original plan and follow along see if we could find out what these other guys that had been up to.

it led us to this giant water hole

I said I bet you there’s a camera around here somewhere let’s see if we can find it and John goes it’s right behind you, we started laughing

we Continued on the elk trail past the water hole and there camera and we ended up connecting to an old trail that we have been using the last two years and so it was pretty cool to find another connecting trail running off one that we had already been using that had been previously hidden from our view

as we continued on the trail we used in the past we saw another trail camera . Did it belong to the same guys that hung the other one or was it somebody else’s camera who knows but I stood in front of it and waved and posed for their camera . Ha ha ha

looks like the secrets out , we’re not the only ones that know the elk run through here thick ! Ha ha ha

a little farther on I spotted this water wallow hole off the old logging road and poked around , And jumped 2 elk on the ridge just to the right of this picture and they were about 50 to 60 yards , I saw two of them one was a cow couldn’t quite tell what the other one was through the dark branches in the canopy , and they trotted over the ridge. They were breaking branches as they moved and that first alerted me to them

At this point there’s no easy was back to the truck , after discussing our options we decide to bushwhack a Canyon to get to the logging landing on the other side and give us a shorter route back to the truck.

We a Take a short spur that dead ends and then drops straight into the hole. so straight ahead into thick crap we go

about half way down the ridge the hillside opens up , There’s a logging landing hidden in the trees where I’m pointing just above my finger , is where we’re headed

as we get into the bottom of the little canyon, there’s a small creek that runs through the center of it and it doesn’t get much sunlight lots of moisture and it turns back into a jungle, And John disappears just ahead of me, all i can see is a hat

The little creek in the bottom is not actively running this time of year but there were some small pools and the dogs found one and we’re loving it I was standing on a log above them over a giant hole when I took the picture

I’m breaking trail now as John took this pic as we spot an elk trail running up the ridge to the landing were are headed for

out of the crap and on an elk trail , waiting for John to clear

we made the top , VICTORY !!! Well kind of sorta it’s still 2 to 2 1/2 miles back to the truck at this point but it’s logging roads the rest of the way

Other than really sore feet at the end it was a good hike with my buddy. I Was hoping to find the proverbial needle in a haystack and stumble across a Roosevelt shed but was not to be had . but definitely the highlight of the trip was finding the old elk trail from two years ago that some other hunters had previously just did some work on and realized that this Trail connected to one that we have been using and now we just have a greater knowledge of Another good elk trail and how to move through the area without having to beat the brush which really saves a lot of time and a lot of headaches and some cussin and fussin
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