Sunday Pic of the Day

OK #sendiana
Relatively rad for an hour and a half drive.
There’s enough pine trees here that sometimes I catch a vague whiff of the Nuchu range.
Unfortunately I forgot Indiana’s on eastern time and headed home an hour earlier than I needed to. Lol🤦‍♂️
Griffin bike park

It is April in Montana with sunny skies and no mud. I don't have a choice but to shoot grouse.
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Negative to both. Where would one find these chips?
Limited run, when you see them on the shelf grab 'em.

I bought a six of Oatmeal Stout in Lolo, MT a couple weeks ago and all the cans had Oatmeal Stout label over Powder Hound printed can. Definitely tasted like Oatmeal Stout.
One of said labels now adorns my gun safe with all my other sponsors' stickers.