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Sunday Hunting? Hurricane Florence messing up flight schedules!!


New member
Jun 22, 2018
This may be a dumb question, but is hunting on Sundays allowed in Wyoming for Antelope?? I ask because in NC and VA they have just recently switched to allow us to hunt on Sundays (with special regulations). Before a few years ago it was unheard of to hunt on Sundays.

Hurricane Florence has our original flight cancelled, so now we are in a panic trying to figure out when the airline will be open and what day we are getting out there!!! Looks now like we will only have 4 days to hunt. Is that enough time for 2 North Carolinians to show up in Wyoming, scout and kill 2 buck antelope???? I hope so, because I think that's our schedule now. And that is if you can hunt on sundays….
Wyoming has allowed hunting on Sundays with no change in rules or regulations for as long as I've been hunting. The regs. stay consistent through the whole week. 4 days should be plenty to locate and kill a couple antelope, depending on your skill level and the area you are hunting. Best of luck!!

We are hunting Unit 43, specifically Diamond Lake HMA. Any last minute suggestions? Specifically hunting tips, or things to pack that an inexperienced antelope hunter may not think to bring?
Bring good optics. Most of the time you can get pretty close to an Antelope, but if they get much pressure they can be very skittish so spotting them from farther out helps a bunch. I haven't hunter 43 before, but most of my experience shows that they act pretty similar across the whole state.
Not a dumb question at all, the old Bell Otte HMA used to forbid hunting on Sundays. You should be good to go. Echo what Hobbs said. Good optics and have a nice flat shooting rifle.

Any last minute suggestions? Specifically hunting tips, or things to pack that an inexperienced antelope hunter may not think to bring?

A rangefinder will be very useful. Misjudging distances is very easy to do in antelope country, especially for a novice.
When you get back the South River and probably Black River will be flooded worse than Floyd and Matthew. It was already out of it's banks last week and Flo is dumping copious amounts of rain in the coastal plain.

Have a safe and successful trip. Take some good kneepads that cactus spikes can't penetrate.
Im in Fayetteville for the storm, I have to cross the South River to get back to my house to pack for this trip. I'm worried I may not even be able to cross! Flight is on Sunday out of RDU.

I own property where the Black River starts....I know it will be completely under water. All my stands are on telephone poles...and I pulled all my trail cams down Wednesday.

Thanks for the advice everyone. good optics, rangefinder, knee pads. all excellent tips.

We are hunting Diamond Lake HMA, and it is 48,000 contiguous acres. I assume staying within the boundary lines will be fairly easy. I didn't buy Onyx Maps for this hunt. I have the georeferenced PDF of Diamond Lake and I am going to run it on Avenza Maps on my phone, unless someone has a better suggestion.
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