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Summer Pictures

Visited Monticello over 4th of July weekend. Full of tourists (such as myself), but it was a beautiful day.

I knew couples that thought it very cool to "Ranch sit" through the winter over there. Most those relationships ended in the Spring or sooner.

The winters are far less what they use to be, and access in the area is modernized today which makes vacating the area easier. 20 years ago or so the winds would drift roads closed until late April or May even.

Spend a lot of time in the "Hole".
"Cold" front moving through in a late afternoon and you often get these beauties,


Which often turn into these images........

Couple from a walkabout two weeks ago. Second pic not so good of three nannies letting the kids jump around on the rocks while they fed.

Before the monsoon and recent.

summer 16 053.JPGsummer 16 062.JPGsummer 16 064.JPGsummer 16 137.JPGsummer 16 150.JPGsummer 16 159.JPGsummer 16 165.JPGsummer 16 170.JPGsummer 16 169.JPG
The area downstream from windmill & tank is now a nice wetland the critters just love. Looks like pigs & cattle have been in there but it's elk & antelope. I had been getting a few sprinkles,but it was really drying out before today.Just turned green overnight.
Holy mackerel !!

I am doing something VERY wrong, and I am living in the wrong state!!

This is my view for about 70 hours a week! ... I need to make some changes!


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Hilgard Peak, highest point in the Madison Range

not quite the view from "the office", but after a 10 mile jaunt to 10000', this little gem pops into view.....Picture 084.jpg
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