Suggestion for future episodes....

How about a Arizona Coues Deer or Aoudad hunt?

Next month we will be filming AZ Coues.

As for Aoudad, since we do all native species, that one won't make the list, nor will Ibex, Oryx, Sika deer, or hogs. Don't get me wrong, those are all hunts I would like to go on, but they won't be anything filmed for TV.
How aboot a trip to the brooks range for caribou, sheep or grizzly
How aboot a trip to the brooks range for caribou, sheep or grizzly

Unfortunately, of those three, only caribou can be done self-guided. That is always something we are considering, based on schedules, costs, and logistics.

Unlike other shows, this operation runs on some very thin margins. Cost is part of the reason we are not applying for Alaska moose this season. When I look at budgets, I cannot have 40% of my "trip cost" line item allocated to one trip, even if we could get two episodes from that trip. I wish it was different, but it is a reality of promoting self-guided public land hunting in a manner that turns down a lot of sponsorship.
Looks like I'm late to the thread, but still would add an idea.

How about a "How to Scout a Unit Using Cow/Doe Tags"-Episode?
How about a Missouri public land turkey hunt? It falls outside of your normal fall rotation that is so tightly packed. There is a good amount of public land in the southern part of the state in the Ozarks.
Agree. I grew up fishing in MN. The BWCAW is my all-time favorite place to experience the outdoors. And is also constantly under attack from big oil so the more visibility the north shore gets the better.

Would love to see Randy go back to Minnesota for some grouse/walleye/smallmouth action! Grouse cycle is on the up rise and Minnesota has a ton of public land for hunters (wma, wpas, we have a new walk-in access program, state forests). All you need for grouse is a shotgun, blaze vest and your neighbors dog.

I'm also a rookie hunter so am always looking for more episodes that touch on newbies and the steps to take to go from zero experience to a first hunt.
I'd like to see a youth hunt in the Frank Church for Bear and Wolf in the spring. Idaho is doing a good job of attracting youth hunting with favorable license fees, license availability and long seasons. Why not help them out with some PR on Fresh Tracks? Youth hunts are fun anyway. Take a couple teen girls and guys selecting them through a competition or something. Maybe have them submit an essay on Hunt Talk Forum describing their view of conservation or something. Team Nosler, Team Howa, Team Sitka and Team Leopold could be sponsors.
A few replies to some of the ideas.

Looks like I'm late to the thread, but still would add an idea.

How about a "How to Scout a Unit Using Cow/Doe Tags"-Episode?

As much as I am happy filling cow/doe tags, it would not make much of an episode from a viewer's standpoint. The ease of filling cow and doe tags does not represent much compelling information to the viewer. Cows and does are always focused on food, no matter the season, so there is not a lot of information to pass along, other than "Find the food and find the cow/doe."

I'd like to see a youth hunt in the Frank Church for Bear and Wolf in the spring. Idaho is doing a good job of attracting youth hunting with favorable license fees, license availability and long seasons. Why not help them out with some PR on Fresh Tracks? Youth hunts are fun anyway. Take a couple teen girls and guys selecting them through a competition or something. Maybe have them submit an essay on Hunt Talk Forum describing their view of conservation or something. Team Nosler, Team Howa, Team Sitka and Team Leopold could be sponsors.

Unfortunately, I can't get a film permit in a Forest Service Wilderness in USFS Region 1, which covers the Frank Church. Additionally, even though the concept as you mention is admirable, I would not take a youth on a hunt if I did not know them. I usually hesitate to take an adult I don't know. Too much pressure and expectation to have $20K of an episode riding on their shoulders to tell a compelling story.

How about a Missouri public land turkey hunt? It falls outside of your normal fall rotation that is so tightly packed. There is a good amount of public land in the southern part of the state in the Ozarks.

It does fall outside our normal schedule, but probably not likely. If we do a public land turkey hunt, it will likely be in one of the western states and be YouTube only. I have thought about doing one in Western Nebraska or Western South Dakota. In surveys we've done turkey hunting is the lowest on the list of desired content ideas they want us to produce.
Unfortunately, I can't get a film permit in a Forest Service Wilderness in USFS Region 1, which covers the Frank Church. Additionally, even though the concept as you mention is admirable, I would not take a youth on a hunt if I did not know them. I usually hesitate to take an adult I don't know. Too much pressure and expectation to have $20K of an episode riding on their shoulders to tell a compelling story.

I know you've explained it in many threads on several forums, but I'm confident the majority of guys are completely unaware a special use permit is required for "commercial" filming.I feel that right now, with public lands being in more of the spot light than they have been, it might be a good time to educate people on how to go about doing it the right way. I know there have been several attempts to pass legislation to allow for a low one time fee for crews of 5 or less that have minimal impact on nature, but they have all failed. It may also be a good time to re-invigorate an effort to enact a one-time special use fee.
I know you've explained it in many threads on several forums, but I'm confident the majority of guys are completely unaware a special use permit is required for "commercial" filming.I feel that right now, with public lands being in more of the spot light than they have been, it might be a good time to educate people on how to go about doing it the right way. I know there have been several attempts to pass legislation to allow for a low one time fee for crews of 5 or less that have minimal impact on nature, but they have all failed. It may also be a good time to re-invigorate an effort to enact a one-time special use fee.

That provision is part of a bill currently working its way through Congress (for the sixth time). The prior five times the bills it was included in died an ugly political death, even though it enjoys bi-partisan sponsorship and support.

Fingers crossed this time will be the charm. It now has the provision for a crew of 3 or less.

To the point, I am required to acquire a special use permit to film on BLM, USFS, or USFWS lands. There is an application fee of $150-250 for the app and a day use fee of $150-250 per day. Multiply that by filming 80-100 days per year for the last nine years and you get a pretty big chunk of money.

Each district/region has a different policy on filming in Designated Wilderness Areas. The only places I have been permitted for Wilderness Areas is NM, NV, and AZ by the USFS. I have been denied by the USFS in WY, MT, CO, UT, and denied by the BLM in NV.

Part of why you see so few public land TV episodes. And for those you see, compliance with the rules above is very low.
Big Fin, do you plan on ever doing a Oryx or Ibex hunt in New Mexico?

I don't have it in the plans. They are non-native and as much as I would love to hunt them and applied for them every year prior to the TV show, it does not fit what we produce; native species on accessible lands (mostly western species).
Reading this thread, and seeing so many people asking for Eastern hunts, may I suggest having a Youtube only Eastern hunter? Different coast, different sponsors (if needed), same idea of public land DIY. Could be a "Randy Newberg Presents: Insert Name". This way the Eastern host could show the opportunities and challenges that are here like, chasing a moose, or sea duck, or even just some big Tom turkeys.

Could be a way to reach another market, but just a thought. Feel free to stop by Maine if you ever want to try some Eastern hunts and I can try to put you on some good spots.
I would love to see an episode using a boat to get to some Montana public land from a lake or river. I have done so on the rivers in northern MT, and would love to see how you handle the experience.
Just my .02$
A flat land mule deer hunt. In New Mexico, this would be walking out the draws and jumping the buck. Most always includes a running shot.

The camera man would have a clear view.

Not sure how this relates to the northern states, but could be an exciting and viewable hunt.

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