Stuff you don't like for no good reason

Muzzlebrakes on any rifle, but in particular AR's. Particularly under a range roof. I value my hearing
Lead Sled's
6.5 Creedmore and all these "supposedly" great new calibers
Big corporations with crooked CEOs
Politicians from ANY party
All black Plastic stocks
New shooters that lack self awareness
The public/most people

But I digress
Remington 870s. I know they are great. Just never liked them as good as Mossberg or Browing BPS. Also Case XX knives. Again I know they are good and my dad and brother are big fans of them but I can take or leave them.
You get an invoice in the mail from a company.
It's folded to fit in the envelope but the perforated place you tear off the mail in portion is located about 1/8" from the fold.
You try to tear it off and instead it tears at the fold -vs- the perforation.
Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears, Illinois drivers on the interstate in WI, Illinois residents who own land in WI but don't live in WI, Illinois residents who end up getting a turkey tag in WI when a WI resident fails to draw a tag, and the state of Illinois.

The forum's been slower lately, which is understandable -- it's the off season.

So here's a thread I hope will entertain me.

I'm not a fan of 270 Win, even though it's a perfectly fine cartridge. I don't want to own one (although I do currently), hunt with one, or do anything with one. For no real reason.

I used to dislike Browning. I've since gotten over myself. I didn't before because of a raffle that my father won a browning pump from that was rather junky. It ruined the brand for my young, impressionable mind, up until I got behind an x-bolt a couple years ago.

Is there something- firearm, brand of firearm, bullets, cartridges, etc.- that you just don't like/aren't the biggest fan of?

Side note: I didn't know what category to post this in, so here it is. Feel free to move it, admins.
I don't think there's much of anything I don't like for no good reason. With equipment the turn off for me is generally either looks or even worse, customer service. Two company's I'm pretty much done with are Sears and Garmin. Problem being those two company's have the absolutely worst customer service I have ever run into! Everyone put's out a bad product now and them, I'm absolutely sure of that. But overcoming it with good customer service works every time for me. I have recently found Sears and Garmin's customer service to be unbelievably bad!

Gun writer's declaring a cartridge "obsolete". Usually means Hornady just dreamed up some new "Greatest Cartridge Ever"
I'm supposed to be surprised my .30-'06 even goes "bang" anymore. And belts are to hold up your pants.
Someone should send those writers on a moose hunt with @BrentD and pay his way.
Probably has already been said, but knuckle heads that block the store aisle blindly staring at something on the shelf as if no other customers are in the store.

The guy that says he only has one cup of coffee, then fills his 32oz yeti tumbler leaving 1/4" in the pot and not bothering to make any more.

People who leave loud miserable music on in their car at the gas pump like everyone else in the place wants to hear it.

Plastic / fiberglass handled shovels, sledge hammers, rakes, mauls, etc. Wood is the way to go.

All the different screw head types. Can't we just standardize on one or two?

Gun writer's declaring a cartridge "obsolete". Usually means Hornady just dreamed up some new "Greatest Cartridge Ever"
I'm supposed to be surprised my .30-'06 even goes "bang" anymore. And belts are to hold up your pants.
Someone should send those writers on a moose hunt with @BrentD and pay his way.

I'm ready!! I'm ready!! .45-70s still don't not work on moose (or anything else).

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