
Stuff you don't like for no good reason

7mm Rem Mag. One of the worst kicking rifles I ever fired was a Rem 700 BDL in 7 mag and I have fired much larger magnums up to .458 Win. Much worse than my .300 Mag Rem 700 BDL. No idea why. The 7mm also just did not seem to offer much over my .30-06. (Admittedly, this was back when the 175 gr 7mm load was a RN bullet.) It does not seem to offer the advantages that my .300 Mag does with heavy bullets or anything over my .270 with lighter bullets in the actual field.
To clarify. No Southern hate, I've dated girls from South Carolina, Georgia. Florida, Mississippi. The girl from Texas was drop dead Tex/Mex hot. Very likeable, but she said y'all like a broken record. Packed up my tools and bolted back to Montana. :)
Every one of you all have a great day.
People who wear camo to Walmart, gun shows, and weddings. Mossy oak, realtree, first lite, Sitka and kuiu. T shirts that say mossy oak, first lite, Sitka,realtree and kuiu. What else….basketball, I don’t like basketball. I don’t like watching it, playing it; in fact, I don’t even like seeing basketball scores scrolling at the bottom of my screen. Lastly, toilet paper hung the opposite of how I want it to roll out….I hate that
What? I love the kid, but that doesn’t mean I have to like him.

If I could just skip over the first nine months, I’d do it in a heart beat. They aren’t any fun until the start walking and interacting with you.
I’m just messing with you. My son threw up in my mouth when he was four months old and I’m still harboring a resentment.

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