
Stuff you don't like for no good reason

when people say bra instead of
Brassiere ;)

John, I had a discussion with a lady about this in a restaurant recently. The bottom line was "No, I am not going to move to a different table because the smell of my prime rib bothers you, but it will not offend me if you move"---and I did not add a real life smiley face.
This would only fit on the no good reason thread… 😂
There are good reasons
I know that once you get into the heavier stuff, the case capacity of the rem mag helps a bunch. Lots of people are able to push the 180 gr stuff past 3000 with a 24” barrel with their tinkering. I’m not that guy, but I know it can be done.

I only have a 24” AI so I don’t know what the limit is on my rifle yet. Will figure out sometime though
Is 50fps enough to matter? I suspect a little different powder would get to 3000+.

Nothing wrong with a 7mag, but I don’t think it’s enough more powerful than a 280AI to get wound up about, so if you avoid magnums for “no good reason” like I do, I don’t feel like I’m missing anything meaningful by using a 280AI.
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There are good reasons

Is 50fps enough to matter? I suspect a little different powder would get to 3000+.

Nothing wrong with a 7mag, but I don’t think it’s enough more powerful than a 280AI to get wound up about, so if avoid magnums for “no good reason” like I do, I don’t feel like I’m missing anything meaningful by using a 280AI.
Yeah, but that’s a 24” barrel instead of a 27” one. It makes a difference. I’m sure if all barrels were 27”, the magnum would push the same pill 150-200 fps faster, just because of case capacity.

I am in no way bashing the 280 AI. It’s one of my favorite cartridges, even above the rem mag. I just have a fondness for the 7mm for the performance it offers when you load it heavy.
I have an unnatural aversion to Rem 700’s.

I think it’s from my dad saying something about a crap safety back in the 80’s.

Not gonna stop me from shooting my 700 clones, but dear it’ll be a cold day in hell before a Remington 700 ends up in my safe.
What if you change the trigger and safety?
I have an unnatural aversion to Rem 700’s.

I think it’s from my dad saying something about a crap safety back in the 80’s.

Not gonna stop me from shooting my 700 clones, but dear it’ll be a cold day in hell before a Remington 700 ends up in my safe.
If you happen in to one, send it to me. Great rifles. mtmuley
Savage rifles.
The action is ugly to me. I think the accutrigger with safety is stupid. useless with gloves,

-I do not like baiting of animals, including bears. I would rather go home empty than shoot a bear over bait. ONLY exception is hogs because they need to be thinned.

I do not like people who think they hunt by being long range snipers. We can argue about a ranges for different type of shooters. To me the 500ish yards is the threshold of ethics.
Don’t forget, the action is shorter so in addition to saving all that weight you can also stroke the bolt faster and send more bullets down range… I wish that wasn’t actually a conversation I had with a guy at the range when he saw my 30-06 and he was shooting a 308 🤦🏻‍♂️
wow just wow
Killing a treed cat with bow, muzzleloader or pistol and thinking it becomes more impressive.
Gun in the rack of deer/elk for pics
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Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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