Caribou Gear

Stuff you don't like for no good reason

Someone already mentioned "running" but it annoys me so much I am mentioning it again.

Serious elk hunting question, "What chapstick are you running on your backcountry, limited entry, 29-mile pack in by foot, DIY, public land, wilderness, free range, organic elk hunt.....bro?"
Add y'all, speed goats and slammer.
"Hey y'all, I'm running .....for speed goats. Hoping to plug a slammer ".
I don't like that seemingly every new hunting rifle on the market has an incorporated muzzle break. Are these really needed on low-recoil non-magnum calibers or is it just a tacticool trend working it's way into the hunting world?
I’m loving mine! Is has the capability to carry three buttout tools incase I harvest three deer in one day. Awesome!
Butthout snob. Geesh some of use don't even clean them between animals and you keep a freshie or 3 on hand at all times. Nice!
I don't like that seemingly every new hunting rifle on the market has an incorporated muzzle break. Are these really needed on low-recoil non-magnum calibers or is it just a tacticool trend working it's way into the hunting world?
It's people asking for a threaded muzzle that causes this. Same with shorter barrels and vertical grip stocks.

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