Stinkin' Deer Heart

Nameless Range

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2013
Western Montana
My wife went out on some BLM and killed a stinkin ruttin mule deer buck this afternoon. We hauled him about a mile out of the hills as winter weather blew in from the west. There may be nothing finer than a November snowstorm beginning to settle into southwest Montana .


Nothing too big, a 2 and a half year old 3 x3. I haven't tried heart for 15 years and didn't like it then, but I kept this one. His skin is off and he's dangling. I've pumped all the blood out of his heart, cleaned off the arteries and veins, and it's waiting in the fridge. So now I need to know...

deer heart.jpg

How would you guys cook this thing?
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Toss slices in flour, salt and pepper. Fry in bed of finely chopped onion then smother in sautéed onions. Dip in horseradish.... Mmm!
First, soak it in a solution of salt water over night. Maybe a table spoon is all you need stired up until it dissolves. Then slice the heart into 3/8" thick slabs cross ways. Flop the meat slices in flour that's been spiced with salt, pepper, and garlic powder and slap the slab down in a hot frying pan of grease. cook until blood appears on top and flip over. Then cook again until blood shows. Enjoy!
Brine it overnight or soak in ice water for 30-60min. Trim the pericardium and hollow out the center (ventricles etc.). Slice the heart in half vertically (cut top to bottom) lay the sections out flat and pound the crap out of them with a heavy pan (or back of a splitting maul if in camp). Season like a steak and grill like a steak to med rare/medium. Serve with bourbon, a Belgian or whatever else you like to drink.
Thanks for the recommendations guys. It's brining. I'm chasing wapiti tomorrow and when I get back whether I am successful or not I'm eating deer heart.
I soak in salt water then simmer in a pot of beef broth, onions, garlic and peppercorns. Sliced warm for a sandwich with a slice of cheese on top.
What he said. We have always soaked heart and liver is salt water, first thing.

First, soak it in a solution of salt water over night. Maybe a table spoon is all you need stired up until it dissolves. Then slice the heart into 3/8" thick slabs cross ways. Flop the meat slices in flour that's been spiced with salt, pepper, and garlic powder and slap the slab down in a hot frying pan of grease. cook until blood appears on top and flip over. Then cook again until blood shows. Enjoy!
I always soak overnight in salt water then boil it in a pan of water for about an hour ,let it cool the slice it for sandwich meat a little butter and mustard and it is great !
i soak it in buttermilk and then dredge it and fry it. It has become my 9 year olds son favorite part. Its the first thing he asks about when we are gutting an animal.
I have few ways to cook heart the first is breaded with flour and fried the next is to cut all the chambers out and stuff it with what ever you like for stuffing, rice stuffing mix etc. We usually boil the heart until it's medium well done and the trim it and cut into thin slices about 1/4 inch thick. Then in a large container or gallon jar add pickling spice,hot peppers, sliced onion and cover to taste with vinegar and then as it gets eaten add a few boiled eggs to be pickled with the heart. It don't last long in this house. We have already had two elk hearts.
I agree with the folks that said fry it up. Slice it flat and then cut it in 3/4" squares and then dip it in flour mixed with salt and pepper. Fry in butter or olive oil. Shoot straight has it right. It's a different texture, but a great tasting piece of meat. I'm not a huge fan of liver, but the heart is just another muscle and it has a great flavor.
. I'm not a huge fan of liver, but the heart is just another muscle and it has a great flavor.

That's exactly why I smother it in onions. I kind of like liver and onions but the wife won't eat them but she loves the onion part so I usually do the heart that way. Good stuff!

In my opinion its the best piece of meat on a deer. To leave it lay would be a crying shame.
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