Stay on 'em Guys


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
Gallatin Valley, MT
This is another potentially very crappy day for sportsmen in MT legislature. On the national front, there are a lot of potentially crappy days coming up for all American On Your Own type sportsmen sportsmen. This stuff gets old but we can't let up. I guarantee it is gonna keep getting older. The folks who are lined up at the trough for "our" $$ and want to threaten all the stuff that folks on this site talk about everyday, sit and think of ways to change and take away what we have everyday. They have a multitude of reasons, agendas, and a lot of support. Here in MT, while we were out enjoying our collective selves fishing last summer and hunting last fall, our legislators were getting busy with crafting all the crap we have been and are fighting now. The people aligned against what we live for are far more organized, more powerful, and better funded than us. Guys like Ben Lamb are far outnumbered by lobbyists with opposing views and deeper pockets and deeper connections. All this means is that we need to keep showing up, and in greater numbers. Thanks to all those that do, thanks to all those that are gonna'.
Checked the LAWS site. Some "potentially" crappy stuff is getting less potential and more real today. Unless some great positive amendments happened .... Not looking forward to today's Ben report from the halls of lunacy.
SB 255 still has to pass 3rd reading which is scheduled for tomorrow, so there is still time to defeat this bill! Please contact your legislator tonight and tell them to vote NO on SB255. It passed 2nd reading today by a 31-10 vote but there may still be hope if the Senators hear from enough people. Remember that HB 361 passed 2nd reading but was defeated on 3rd reading.

HB 285 will be heard on Thursday in the Senate Fish and Game Committee at 3:00 PM. Urge your Senators to vote NO on this bill.

Keep up the good work fellas!
I'm putting out the message to call call call, I told my list it is getting old but we have to do it account we can't afford the alternative.