NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Spring Weather

Stay safe. I usually don't get worked up about weather but I think this will be a day for the record books.

2 tornados in my area, both missed us.
Got the storm shelter cleaned out couple weeks ago stocked with fresh water, new batteries in the lights,etc. Tornadoes are scary stuff we Oklahoma's unfortunately know all to well.
Lost power just over half an hour ago. No telling when it will come back on. Wife's mattress is pressurized so I hope it doesn't go flat! Just bought 4 containers of Tillamook ice cream today but now I don't want to open the freezer to get any.
All that warm air yesterday and now we had a few snowflakes this morning. Twisters missed us but I saw one hit the Apollo Theater in Belvedere DURING A CONCERT! :oops: Our daughter goes there quite often but not last night.