Kenetrek Boots

spring turkey plans?

Trying to decide between NM and CO. Probably do some youth hunts here in GA and public quota if drawn.

Probably won't bother with anything else. The number of turkey hunters on public where I am has probably tripled in the past several years. I was leaving one day several years ago and found some people waiting by my jeep. They wanted to know if I was leaving so they could go in. Waiting in line is a big difference from never seeing anyone.

Almost caught pellets last year by someone who was nowhere near in range of the bird. Too dangerous with TSS in play. Y'all be safe out there!
Why do you think the number of turkey hunters on public has increased? Hunting Media? Covid?
I'll hunt here at my own property again this year. Usually a lot of turkeys around in the spring.

If activity is slow here, I can hunt on the DoD property I work at that is loaded with birds.
With the turkey hunting being so poor the last few years here in Oklahoma and a family vacation in March and June taking up my time and money it's hard to get excited. I'm gonna spend 3-5 days hunting public on opening week (mid April) in western Oklahoma may do some hunting around home but turkey numbers are real poor here in the SE corner of the state. I've been kicking around a out of state trip for turkey and I think next year I'm gonna make it happen. Just need to decide where. I'm thinking New Mexico, Missouri, or Tennessee probably have better success harvesting one in MO or TN but I tend to take any excuse I can find to hunt, hike, and camp in the western US. Anyone got a NM honey hole they're giving away I'm all ears.
My plans for this years spring turkey is to actually kill a turkey haha. So far, every turkey hunt I’ve done I’ve been unsuccessful in filling my tag.

Starting to scout now, but haven’t seen any on the public land I’ve been to yet.
I’ll toss my .410 under the back seat and throw a hand full of shells in the door panel. Whack one in every region the jobs brings me to. Take the kids out on the weekends in region 3/5/7. Might go up northwest and get a eastern.
Gonna open my back door, shoot one and smoke it. All three without leaving my house if I can convince my dog to retrieve it.
Starting off here in MT with family then have some people coming here, and will be in WI 1st week of May then more people here and if the swap pans out, onward to TN also.
CO draws are out and it looks like another year out east for myself. Going back to the place I killed my first western bird 10 yrs ago.
The past couple of times I e hunted it have been tough but hopefully things have changed. I’ll also be chasing foothill merriams on an otc tag as well!

As for those two lucky new father…. good luck to y’all and congratulations. I was in your shoes last season but I was able to take an otc C3898122-DDB2-4412-AC62-8865491B0447.jpegbird a couple of weeks before my daughter was born. She’ll be tagging along with me hunting merriams from the blind around the house!
Arizona for Merriam's in late April.
Eventually one year I will need to make a trip back East because I have killed them all except for the Eastern.
I've taken:
With the turkey hunting being so poor the last few years here in Oklahoma and a family vacation in March and June taking up my time and money it's hard to get excited. I'm gonna spend 3-5 days hunting public on opening week (mid April) in western Oklahoma may do some hunting around home but turkey numbers are real poor here in the SE corner of the state. I've been kicking around an out of state trip for turkey and I think next year I'm gonna make it happen. Just need to decide where. I'm thinking New Mexico, Missouri, or Tennessee probably have better success harvesting one in MO or TN but I tend to take any excuse I can find to hunt, hike, and camp in the western US. Anyone got a NM honey hole they're giving away I'm all ears.
That sucks to hear. I have family friends in McAlester. we were planning to visit and hoping to find some birds! 😏 🥺
hopefully the bass population is stable.
I'm trying a couple new things.
First, I got a tag for a different public area. I have hunted it a little and scouted it a little. There's definitely turkeys there. Hope I can find one.
Second, I am trying a short lease for 4th and 5th season in a completely new area for me. I need to get up there in the next few weeks to do some scouting. I might be able to turn it into a deer lease in the fall too.
I'd really like to connect this year. Haven't gotten a turkey since 2018.
I need to find a new spot this year. Seems like all the places I hunt within an hour and a half or so of town are better for sitting and watching turkeys on adjacent private property than actually killing one on public.

They sure have a knack for running across the road right in front of you when you’ve called it quits for the day. Maybe I’ll get one that way.
I moved to Kansas last summer and immediately deployed (army), just got back 2 weeks ago and I’m looking for some public (walk in access) spots to hunt with the family in a few weeks.

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