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spring turkey plans?

Going to give it another shot for a Merriam's this year. Tried last year in Nebraska and got snowed in 8 hours after we pulled in. Might go back to NE, might try a new state all together.
In the same exact boat. Luckily I still have a couple hunts lined up. Hunting from home more than usual but I'll still hopefully get some birds down.
You can tell my oldest wasn't planned because she was born on opening day of turkey season.
Florida is great for Turkey hunting and you'll fall in love with that state. Have fun, mate.
Safety first! My present to myself for finally killing a public Osceola was to never hunt that way again. I lived there and traveled OOS for turkey every time after.
Call one or 5 into range and touch off a 2.5 oz load of TSS
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Call one or 5 into range and touch off a 2.5 oz load of TSS
Looking forward to playing( sparingly) with TSS.
I'm carrying cheaper shot for close range and saving the TSS for any mature gobbler that thinks he is out of range.😁
Looking forward to playing( sparingly) with TSS.
I'm carrying cheaper shot for close range and saving the TSS for any mature gobbler that thinks he is out of range.😁
I will roll a Jake any day of the week with a full load of TSS at 15 yards. I’ll waste 10 bucks on a craft 6 pack, might as well sling a $10 shell.
Managed to snag a leftover tag here in a 3 pt unit and an OTC tag. Then grabbed two tags in Wisconsin for late May. Should be a fun fall here locally and then while visiting the in laws
I picked up my first decoy, a half strut Jake, that Im excited to try out!
Ive always spot and stocked or called without a decoy setup which is still a blast but getting drawn back is difficult when a bird is coming in looking for another bird. I guess we will see If its worth packing around.
Planning to go up to a bit of public land where nuisance birds are relocated for opening weekend. I’m a bit worried it’ll be extremely crowded, and jackasses won’t be sure of their background before shooting. Hoping that since it’s in the mountains, some folks might be hesitant to trek up there.

Going to go scout a few spots this weekend to see if there’s any birds. Not expecting much, though. Sadly most turkeys here are on private land :/
The bird numbers are so far down in NW Kansas that we will not be going this year. To many skunks, possum and coyotes