Spring Bears With Hounds Proposed

Why don’t we make opening weekend for the youth instead of adding two days onto the front end of the season? Bet that would really get people riled up
Yeah, or make the 2 day youth season antlerless whitetail only...I bet 99.999% of the "parents of the year" wouldnt bother taking their kids if they couldn't whack a buck.
This is a hound thread but it’s oddly been a lot about MT youth hunt comments. Some of the best hunting experiences that my kids and I have shared were on the youth deer hunt - not something I asked for when that came about, but damn sure wasn’t going to stay home and protest either. If that makes me a sack of shit, so be it.
This is a hound thread but it’s oddly been a lot about MT youth hunt comments. Some of the best hunting experiences that my kids and I have shared were on the youth deer hunt - not something I asked for when that came about, but damn sure wasn’t going to stay home and protest either. If that makes me a sack of shit, so be it.
savage, yes, but not a sack 'o poop. If 21 is good enuf drinking age then it should be for hunting as well.;) If they don't start hunting young then maybe they won't be competition in the future.
This is a hound thread but it’s oddly been a lot about MT youth hunt comments. Some of the best hunting experiences that my kids and I have shared were on the youth deer hunt - not something I asked for when that came about, but damn sure wasn’t going to stay home and protest either. If that makes me a sack of shit, so be it.
Something tells me that even without the youth hunt your kids would have had great days afield, and been brought up as hunters. Glad you had a great time. Like I said earlier, I'll probably be chasing hounds, chasing bears. Not that I asked for it, but damn sure not going to stay home protesting it either. You know the rest of the post.
I still think it's funny as hell that no one has presented one piece of information or example of what this season could look like for Montana. Even @Bowhunter65 who presented the bill for proposal. Does anyone know anything about this hounds season? Or are we just all jumping on the bandwagon of this is new and let's get the pitchforks out and roast this deal?

Who gives a rats ass about the youth season and all the other bullshit. It doesn't matter what little extra is presented in the Montana big game hunting world someone is gonna knock it and someone is gonna abuse it. I'm sure there's been plenty a dad or gramps out there that's punched a tag or two early during the youth deal. I'm sure there's been plenty do all kinds of shit. And I bet that when this extra muzzleloader deal comes into play someone is gonna be out there with a rifle or gunwerks muzzleloader dumping some hog that only comes out in December.

What a Rollercoaster reading this f$ckin thread though.
I still think it's funny as hell that no one has presented one piece of information or example of what this season could look like for Montana. Even @Bowhunter65 who presented the bill for proposal. Does anyone know anything about this hounds season? Or are we just all jumping on the bandwagon of this is new and let's get the pitchforks out and roast this deal?

Who gives a rats ass about the youth season and all the other bullshit. It doesn't matter what little extra is presented in the Montana big game hunting world someone is gonna knock it and someone is gonna abuse it. I'm sure there's been plenty a dad or gramps out there that's punched a tag or two early during the youth deal. I'm sure there's been plenty do all kinds of shit. And I bet that when this extra muzzleloader deal comes into play someone is gonna be out there with a rifle or gunwerks muzzleloader dumping some hog that only comes out in December.

What a Rollercoaster reading this f$ckin thread though.
You're asking all the wrong questions, and not the ONLY one that matters.

What are the impacts to the bear populations going to be? How many bears does the FWP and the biologists we pay money to, think the resource can handle? Anybody have the detailed analysis on bear populations? Anybody know how many bears a year are even killed in Montana off hand? What areas? When they're being killed?

Same with the youth season, and the ability for youth to whack does and cows? When those seasons were proposed, did anyone have some numbers? Do they have some numbers now that its been going for 7 years? Anyone have any data? Anybody know how many youth take advantage of the season? How many antlerless elk are killed? How many antlerless deer? How many bucks taken during those 2 additional days? Bueller? Anyone?

Does anyone care how these things impact the resource?

Didn't think so, as is apparent...over and over and over and over again when opportunity is passed via legislation.

I guess if nobody else cares, why should I...pass the 7 doe tags, my thousand yard rifle, come home to hunt native Montana tag, pack of bear hounds, and my sweet new muzzleloader and just get TF out of my way...

Its all about opportunity and we can pick up the pieces later.
This is a hound thread but it’s oddly been a lot about MT youth hunt comments. Some of the best hunting experiences that my kids and I have shared were on the youth deer hunt - not something I asked for when that came about, but damn sure wasn’t going to stay home and protest either. If that makes me a sack of shit, so be it.
Right, you didn't pass the legislation or even ask for it and nobody is expecting anyone to stay home and not participate either. If its legal, go for it.

Same with the stupid native Montana license that I buy every year OTC...I shouldn't be allowed to even buy one, it's another thing putting additional pressure on a wildlife population that flat-assed doesn't need it. Passed because some dude in the Montana legislature was upset because his kids/family that moved to another state couldn't get a Montana hunting permit each year...no thought to the resource, not for a second.

But, if the idiots in Helena give me the green light...expect one less buck deer in Montana every year.
savage, yes, but not a sack 'o poop. If 21 is good enuf drinking age then it should be for hunting as well.;) If they don't start hunting young then maybe they won't be competition in the future.
Gee Eric, my youngest nephew has a deer A tag and qualifies for the 2 day youth season...we need a place to hunt, you good with setting him up on one of your leases, the one with the biggest bucks on it will do?

You're not? You must hate kids and not want to get kids involved and active in the sport.
You're asking all the wrong questions, and not the ONLY one that matters.

What are the impacts to the bear populations going to be? How many bears does the FWP and the biologists we pay money to, think the resource can handle? Anybody have the detailed analysis on bear populations? Anybody know how many bears a year are even killed in Montana off hand? What areas? When they're being killed?

Same with the youth season, and the ability for youth to whack does and cows? When those seasons were proposed, did anyone have some numbers? Do they have some numbers now that its been going for 7 years? Anyone have any data? Anybody know how many youth take advantage of the season? How many antlerless elk are killed? How many antlerless deer? How many bucks taken during those 2 additional days? Bueller? Anyone?

Does anyone care how these things impact the resource?

Didn't think so, as is apparent...over and over and over and over again when opportunity is passed via legislation.

I guess if nobody else cares, why should I...pass the 7 doe tags, my thousand yard rifle, come home to hunt native Montana tag, pack of bear hounds, and my sweet new muzzleloader and just get TF out of my way...

Its all about opportunity and we can pick up the pieces later.
All of this coming from the guy that doesn't give a shit. You wanna come and and mow everyone down literally every time someone brings something up that YOU don't like I guess if that's how your gonna roll fine.

I simply just want to see some parameters of what this hunt could look like. I have said many times I'm not in love with the idea of the hunting season or idea of it but I can't chalk it up as a total loss either. Unfortunately yes I see your point on the endless amounts of opportunities created by legislation and what negative impacts it has on precious resources. I guess we'll see what shakes out with this.

I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you and watch you get all puffy chested cause it's a battle I'll never win nor am I trying to.
I still think it's funny as hell that no one has presented one piece of information or example of what this season could look like for Montana. Even @Bowhunter65 who presented the bill for proposal. Does anyone know anything about this hounds season? Or are we just all jumping on the bandwagon of this is new and let's get the pitchforks out and roast this deal?

Who gives a rats ass about the youth season and all the other bullshit. It doesn't matter what little extra is presented in the Montana big game hunting world someone is gonna knock it and someone is gonna abuse it. I'm sure there's been plenty a dad or gramps out there that's punched a tag or two early during the youth deal. I'm sure there's been plenty do all kinds of shit. And I bet that when this extra muzzleloader deal comes into play someone is gonna be out there with a rifle or gunwerks muzzleloader dumping some hog that only comes out in December.

What a Rollercoaster reading this f$ckin thread though.
Well said. I wondered a couple times what does the season even look like ? But I decided to completely derail the thread and contribute to the crap show with my own rabbit trails😂 it’s been interesting I don’t want to but can’t quit checking back in ha ha
Not that my opinion matters but I’m with Buzz, resource 1st. Nothing else matters without the resource being sustainable. The question was never answered as to why a parent couldnt take their kid out during the MT extremely lengthily season structures, why need additional days?

Why do black bears need more spring management by brining in hounds? I’m all for saving more fawns and calves if that’s the angle...

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